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STAND-TO! Edition: Saturday, October 6, 2012

Today's Focus:

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Senior Leaders are Saying

"In an era of increasing energy costs and limited resources, we're working to lower the cost of energy, while increasing mission effectiveness."

- Katherine Hammack, assistant secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment, emphasizes the Army's endeavor to reduce installations' dependence on the local power grid while stressing that the focus of the Army's energy policy is on the Soldier.

Combat effectiveness focus of Energy Awareness Month

Related STAND-TO!: Army Energy Awareness Month

What They're Saying

"A decade of war has shown the Army's senior leaders that they must be creative thinkers, educators, arbitrators, and partnership builders, not just warriors."

- Maj. Archie L. Bates III , one of 15 professionals nation-wide who have been appointed to the 2012-2013 class of White House Fellows.

Soldier selected for White House Fellowship

A Culture of Engagement


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War


Sept 15- Oct 15: National Hispanic Heritage Month

Energy Awareness Month: Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)

National Depression Awareness Month: Army Behavioral Health

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Oct. 22- 24: Association of the Unites States Army Annual Meeting and Exposition (AUSA), Washington D.C.

Today's Focus

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

What is it?

Domestic Abuse Prevention Campaign is an awareness campaign developed to provide information to support prevention, intervention, and services to an Army community willing to address and stop the tolerance of domestic violence.

What has the Army done?

The Army's comprehensive approach to the prevention of domestic abuse ensures all members of the Army community have ample opportunity to prepare for challenges that can occur in intimate relationships. The Army provides varying degrees of resources everyone can use to prevent domestic abuse and develop skills to help restore stability and health if needed. The entire Army community must work together as a team to protect victims and hold offenders accountable when abuse occurs.

Why is it important to the Army?

The Army is fully committed to supporting its Soldiers and families by overcoming harmful issues affecting health and well-being. Domestic abuse, at any degree of severity, undermines that commitment. As Soldiers and their families live with multiple stressors, the involvement of the entire Army community is critical.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

Statistics suggests a need for the Army to build social intolerance towards domestic violence and prevent abuse by strengthening programs designed to promote awareness, encourage reporting, provide safety for victims, and ensure treatment and/or administrative action for offenders with special emphasis on services for junior Soldiers and their spouse or intimate partner.

Policies and programs in the Army in existence support the prevention of domestic abuse, including support groups for young parents, reintegration programs for families experiencing deployment and redeployment stress, marital and premarital counseling, and programs on anger management, dating violence and gender issues.

Prevention plans are designed for high-risk situations to stop further harm and violence once it has occurred. Family Advocacy Victim Advocates, Unit Victim Advocates, New Parent Support-Home Visitors, the Sexual Assault Prevention program are also all in place to decrease the likelihood that violence will recur, by protecting victims and holding offenders accountable. They also provide extended services to address the negative effects of violence and abuse so that individuals, couples and families can be rehabilitated.


Family Advocacy Program
Victim Advocacy Program
U.S. Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program

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Page last updated Fri October 5th, 2012 at 08:34