
-08/26/12  The Future of the Arctic;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; The Arctic Imperative Summit, Alaska
-06/28/12  Remarks at the Expeditionary Diplomacy Awards;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; As Prepared for Delivery; Washington, DC
-06/13/12  Global Economic Statecraft: International Travel and Tourism;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-05/31/12  Remarks to the Wroclaw Global Forum;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Wroclaw, Poland
-04/04/12  Remarks After Meeting With Pakistani Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Islamabad, Pakistan
-04/04/12  Remarks After Meeting With Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Islamabad, Pakistan
-03/01/12  The APCAC U.S.-Asia Business Summit;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Tokyo, Japan
-02/21/12  Remarks to Global Business Conference;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Loy Henderson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-02/17/12  On the Secretary's Global Business Conference;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Via Teleconference
-02/13/12  Briefing on the 2013 State Department and USAID Budget;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-02/08/12  Rightsizing U.S. Mission Iraq;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Via Teleconference; Washington, DC
-02/07/12  Delivering Jobs With International Tourism;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; CNN

-12/05/11  The Silk Road Through Afghanistan: The Country's Economic Future Lies in its Region;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.; Washington, DC
-11/21/11  New Leadership of the Public-Private Partnership for Justice Reform in Afghanistan;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Treaty Room; Washington, DC
-11/02/11  Remarks at U.S.-Canada Innovation Conference;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Ottawa, Canada
-11/01/11  Remarks for Baghdad International Trade Fair;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-10/17/11  Remarks to the Association of American Chambers of Commerce in Latin America's Annual Meeting;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-10/06/11  Interview on State Department Live;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-09/22/11  Remarks at the World Bank High-Level Meeting on Afghanistan;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC
-08/31/11  A Unified Security Budget for the United States;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Center for American Progress; Washington, DC
-02/14/11  The Department's 2012 Budget Request;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Washington, DC


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