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Multi-celled organisms of the kingdom Animalia with eukaryotic cells (cells with distinct nuclei containing genetic material and bounded by thin membranes) that are heterotrophic (obtaining energy from organic substances produced by other organisms).
Invertebrates (64 items)
Vertebrates (206 items)
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Results 11 - 20 of 256 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Amphibians & reptiles of the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands [More info]
Links to information on species of frogs, toads, and salamanders located in the southeastern United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with information on appearance, habitats, calls, and status, plus photos, glossary, and provisional data.
PDF Amphibians of Olympic National Park [More info]
Fact sheet (PDF format) on amphibians in Olympic National Park and overview of the habitat, the decline in populations, and rare amphibians in the Pacific Northwest including the giant salamander and tailed frog.
PDF An experiment to control nonnative fish in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona [More info]
We removed non-native fish from a section of the river and the endangered native species humpback chub increased in abundance. But it is not yet clear that decreased competition explains the rebound in population.
An online database for IHN virus in Pacific Salmonid fish: MEAP-IHNV [More info]
Background information and genetic sequencing data for more than 1,000 individual field isolates of the fish virus Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHNV) collected in western North America from 1966 to the present, updated annually.
PDF Anticipated effects of development on habitat fragmentation and movement of mammals into and out of the Schoodic District, Acadia National Park, Maine [More info]
Wildlife you see in a national park or other reserved area don't know about the park boundary. Bobcat, martens, mink, and moose need different types of living space and habitat. Development outside the park affects their ability to inhabit the park.
Apoidea -- Bees and Sphecid Wasps [More info]
Guide to the identification, biology, and ecology of bees and sphecid wasps, mostly in eastern North America.
AquaPathogen X--A template database for tracking field isolates of aquatic pathogens [More info]
A template database for recording information on individual isolates of aquatic pathogens affecting a variety of aquatic species such as fish or shellfish. Tracks collection, history, geography, gene sequence, and diagnostic info. Uses FileMaker Pro.
Arctic Refuge coastal plain terrestrial wildlife research summaries [More info]
Updated summaries of research in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, on caribou, muskoxen, predators (grizzly bears, wolves, golden eagles), polar bears, snow geese and their wildlife habitats with maps of land-cover and vegetation.
Assessment of Contaminant Exposure and Effects on Ospreys Nesting along the Lower Duwamish River, Washington, 2006-07 [More info]
PDF Assessment of least tern and piping plover habitats on the Missouri River using remote sensing [More info]
Analysis and modeling of multispectral imagery helps to predict the suitability of sand bars for nesting of these migratory birds.
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