The U.S. Army wants YOU to Sound Off about your Army Service Uniform

In an effort headed up by U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, a survey site has been developed to get feedback from the field about the Army Service Uniform (ASU). This survey is for all Soldiers (Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve) and you must have Army Knowlege Online access to participate.

 The ASU survey is part of the Army’s effort to solicit continuous feedback on the equipment it provides to the Soldier.  The feedback gathered by the survey will be used to determine possible adjustments or improvements that can be made to the ASU.

 The survey site officially launches September 17, 2012 and will remain active for 30 days, so make sure to take the time to offer your input and make your voice heard.

 Links to the survey can be found at:

CAC enforced:


For more information, contact  Stephen M. Younger of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command at 757-501-5738.