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Join The Conversation: Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A with U.S. CTO Todd Park

April 16, 2012 - 9:15am


Submit your Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A questions for U.S. CTO Todd Park
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Join our Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A Today (@ENERGY) at 2 PM EDT by following the hashtag #appsforenergy.

Join our Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A Today (@ENERGY) at 2 PM EDT by following the hashtag #appsforenergy.

Have questions about Apps for Energy? Want to know more about government challenges and competitions? Now is your opportunity to be heard.

Join us this Tuesday, April 17, at 2 PM EDT for an Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A with U.S. Chief Technology Officer Todd Park. Ask your questions now using the hashtag #appsforenergy

As the nation’s CTO, Todd Park works to enlist innovative technologies to modernize government, reduce waste, and make government information more accessible to the public. We’re bringing these same commitments to the Apps for Energy competition -- challenging developers to apply their innovative skills and knowledge to help millions of Americans make the most of Green Button electricity usage data.

Park, along with our diverse panel of utility and tech experts, will be on hand to discuss Apps for Energy and how competitions can be valuable tools for inspiring software innovation. Whether you have technical questions, app suggestions or simply observations to share -- we’ll be ready and listening.

There are a couple ways to participate in the Tuesday's Twitter Q&A:

Follow the conversation this Tuesday on the Energy Department Twitter (@Energy). And, for the latest news and updates on Apps for Energy, be sure to signup at


Submit your Apps for Energy Twitter Q&A questions for U.S. CTO Todd Park
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