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Lab Scientists Help Develop Promising Therapy for Huntington’s Disease


Berkeley Lab scientists have helped design a compound that suppresses symptoms of Huntington's Disease in mice. The researchers believe the compound is a promising therapeutic deserving of further investigation in the fight against this devastating neurodegenerative disease. »

Folding Funnels Key to Biomimicry


In a boost for biomimicry and self-assembling molecular systems, Berkeley Lab researchers have shown that a concept widely accepted as describing the folding of a single individual protein is also applicable to the self-assembly of multiple proteins. »

Short Takes



  • A new way to study the changing Arctic ecosystem

  • Floating Sensors
    UC Berkeley

  • Behind the Scenes @ Berkeley Lab

  • TEAM Electron Microscope
    Berkeley Lab

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Advanced Light Source Stars in New Video from California Academy of Sciences

Videographers from the California Academy of Sciences came to the ALS to film scientists talking about their work and about how the ALS provides exciting opportunities for research in everything from bone strength to faster computer chips. The video, shown on screens throughout the Academy, is part of the Academy's Science in Action effort "to make science accessible for everyone and discuss its relevance in our everyday lives.