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Delegation of Contracting Authority

The USA Contact contract vehicle enables agencies to obtain high quality, state-of-the-art, cost-effective contact center solutions in a timely manner to better serve the public.

The USA Contact contract is specifically designed for contact center services; the GSA schedule is not. Furthermore, the contract is a firm, fixed-price and a time and materials contract, enabling agencies to select the pricing methodology that best fits the requirement. This type of contract puts into effect the government's preference for multiple awards for indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity type contracts to maximize competition and choice for specific supplies and services. A multiple-award contract confirms that multiple companies have the basic qualifications to perform a general type of work.

Contracting With a Solutions Partner for Contact Center Services

The USA Contact team is available to assist you in the development of your request for quotation. To get started, follow the steps below for obtaining a Delegation of Contracting Authority. Your agency retains and manages all aspects of the procurement process, so once the delegation request is approved, your agency takes over from there. You have full control of all aspects of the procurement. Your team works directly with the selected vendor on programmatic issues.

Delegation of Contracting Authority Steps

Step 1: Complete the request form: These are the items to complete on this form:

  • Name of the contracting officer
  • Name of the department and agency
  • Brief description of the services including the period of performance (Base period and option periods)
  • Select the type of task order (Firm Fixed Price or Time & Materials)
  • Signature of contracting officer for this task order request

Step 2: Submit the following documents to the USA Contact Team

  • Statement of work
  • Signed Delegation of Authority Form (signed by the contracting officer for this task order request)
  • Copy of  the contracting officer’s warrant (Note: Copy of the warrant may be scanned into a PDF file  for easy emailing)
  • Contact Information for both the Contracting Officer (CO) and the Contracting Officers Technical Representative (COTR)
    • Name
    • Position Title
    • Work Number
    • Cellular Number
    • Email Address

Step 3: Obtain approval from USA Contact Team

  • USA Contact Team will review your submitted documents (See Step 2)
  • After reviewing, the USA Contact contracting officer will delegate authority to your agency by sending an approval email, including the contact information of the nine solution partners, to your agency

Step 4: Your agency takes over the procurement process

  • Your agency’s designated contracting officer sends out the RFQ to the nine vendors, soliciting proposals
  • Your agency reviews the proposals and makes the contract award

If you have any questions or need additional information, contact


Barbara Walton
(202) 208-0568

contact, USA contact, USA contact contract,authority,contracting,contract,USA Contact,procurement