Decades of experience with the conflicts concerning management of forests of the Pacific...

Tidal marshes play a vital ecological role in coastal landscapes.

VCR scientists are using this knowledge to forecast climate change effects on these fragile...

There is broad consensus among scientists that the ongoing increase in atmospheric CO2...

With widespread attention and national debate focused on the physical, biological and societal...

Classical approaches to fisheries stock assessment and thus management rely on methods that are...

There is a growing understanding of the need to restore coastal ecosystems to support both...

The observed changes in polar ecosystems require the research community to develop the capacity...

Some of the most pressing ecological issues are global in nature.

The annual timing of the formation and disappearance of ice in aquatic systems represents a...

Coral reefs are complex, biologically diverse and highly valued ecosystems that are under...

The LTER Network

LTER site mapThe Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network was created by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 1980 to conduct research on ecological issues that can last decades and span huge geographical areas.

For more than three decades, the Network has generated rigorous, site-based scientific research that has led to important findings on regional and continental scales.
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