SSI Recipients by State and County, 2000



Table 3. Number of persons receiving federally administered SSI payments and amount of payments, by program category, age, receipt of OASDI, and state and county, December 2000
State and county Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
(in thousands
of dollars)
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or
Alaska 8,672 1,453 7,219 925 5,642 2,105 2,688 3,343
Aleutian Islands 17 4 13 1 12 4 7 6
Anchorage 4,022 674 3,348 437 2,665 920 1,041 1,567
Angoon 18 3 15 1 13 4 10 5
Barrow-North Slope 39 8 31 2 24 13 13 14
Bethel 366 133 233 31 116 219 169 110
Bristol Bay 113 28 85 9 68 36 57 39
Bristol Bay Borough 16 2 14 1 10 5 6 6
Cordova-McCarthy 18 0 18 3 12 3 6 7
Fairbanks North Star 877 89 788 95 639 143 265 342
Haines 30 3 27 2 25 3 8 12
Juneau 368 42 326 64 246 58 138 147
Kenai-Cook Inlet 645 71 574 53 478 114 236 251
Ketchikan Gateway 175 19 156 10 139 26 61 83
Kobuk 80 19 61 14 37 29 33 28
Kodiak Island 111 36 75 13 60 38 29 53
Kuskokwim 97 47 50 3 29 65 34 31
Matanuska-Susitna 655 35 620 85 499 71 172 288
Nome 177 60 117 18 77 82 72 56
Outer Ketchikan 25 0 25 2 20 3 8 9
Prince Of Wales 36 2 34 7 24 5 8 13
Seward 57 3 54 4 46 7 13 27
Sitka 74 7 67 4 59 11 26 25
Skagway-Yakutat 22 1 21 4 16 2 9 7
Southeast Fairbanks 119 24 95 11 73 35 37 42
Upper Yukon 64 22 42 1 34 29 26 22
Valdez-Chitina-Whittier 84 6 78 13 61 10 27 36
Wade Hampton 204 64 140 27 70 107 109 59
Wrangell-Petersburg 55 5 50 6 44 5 15 20
Yukon-Koyukuk 98 44 54 4 38 56 49 31