U.S. Department of Justice

What Works in Residential Centers Monographs

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Sep. 06, 2011

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This series of monographs “examines the impact of participation in a RRC [Residential Re-entry Center] on federal offender release outcomes” (p. 2). RRCs assist in the transition of offenders from prison to the community. The series contains eight reports: Executive Overview: What Works in Residential Reentry Centers; Report 1: What Is the Impact of “Performance Contracting” on Offender Supervision Services?; Report 2: Measuring Performance- The Capacity of Residential Reentry Centers (RRCs) to Collect, Manage, and Analyze Client-Level Data; Report 3: What Organizational Factors Are Related to Improved Outcomes?; Report 4: How Do Staff Hiring, Retention, Management and Attitudes Affect Organizational Climate and Performance in RRCs? ; Report 5: What Services Aare Provided by RRCs?; Report 6: Technical Violation Rates and Rearrest Rates on Federal Probation after Release from an RRC; and Report 7: Site Visits. The rearrest rate for offenders who participated in RRCs is 13 % while technical violations that ended in revocation of supervised release is 23.5%.

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