Each depositor insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank

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Compliance Examination Manual

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The FDIC’s Compliance Examination Manual (Manual) is revised on an on-going basis as rules, regulations, policies and procedures change. The most recent revision date for each section is indicated here on the website as well as in the footer of each page.

This printable (PDF) version is designed to be printed on two sides and on three-hole punched paper. Each holder of the Manual will be responsible for printing and updating their own hard copy which will allow for more timely updates. Unless specified, each section is less than 250kb.

For ease of updating your hard copies, a zipped file is provided below which contains only the revised sections. A complete and updated zipped file of the entire Manual is provided above.

The following list of dates corresponds to changes in the manual.

August 2012.zip
Updates Only
(940 KB)

The following sections were updated in August 2012 to incorporate new statutes, regulations, examination procedures and guidance:

  • III - 1.1
  • V - 13.1
  • V-14.1
  • VI-1.1
  • X - 3.1

The list of references for the following sections were also updated.

  • II-4.1
  • II-8.1
  • VII-5.1
  • XI - 2.1
  • XI-11.1
Last Updated
I Manual Introduction 06/2009
II Compliance Examinations
  II-1.1 Overview of Compliance Examinations 06/2009
  II-2.1 Compliance Management System 06/2009
  II-3.1 Pre-Examination Planning 06/2009
  II-4.1 Review and Analysis 08/2012
  II-5.1 Communicating Findings 06/2009
  II-6.1 Documenting the Examination 06/2009
  II-7.1 Investigations and Visitations 06/2009
  II-8.1 Enforcement Actions 08/2012
  II-9.1 Truth in Lending (TIL) Restitution Verification 06/2006
  II-10.1 Appeals 06/2009
  II-11.1 Examination and Visitation Frequency 12/2009
  II-12.1 Consumer Compliance Rating System 06/2006
  II-13.1 Violation Codes 12/2011
III Examination Templates
  III-1.1 Risk Profile and Scope Memorandum (6.6mb) [Word] 08/2012
  III-2.1 Interview Sheet [Word 452k] 02/2010
  III-3.1 Compliance Information Disclosure Requirement (474k) [Word 712k] 03/2010
  III-4.1 Entry Letters [Word] 06/2006
  III-5.1 Bank of Anytown 06/2009
IV Fair Lending Laws and Regulations
  IV-1.1 Fair Lending Laws and Regulations 06/2011
  IV-2.1 Appendices 06/2011
  IV-3.1 FDIC Fair Lending Examination Pricing Analysis Procedures for HMDA Reporters 06/2011
  IV-4.1 FDIC Examination Procedures for "Low-Risk" Institutions 06/2011
  IV-5.1 References 06/2011
V Compliance Lending Issues  
  V-1.1 Truth in Lending Act (7.6mb) 12/2011
  V-2.1 Determining Whether TIL Restitution is Required 06/2006
  V-3.1 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) 06/2009
  V-4.1 Homeownership Counseling Act 06/2006
  V-5.1 Homeowners Protection Act 06/2006
  V-6.1 Flood Disaster Protection 06/2009
  V-7.1 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Regulation 06/2009
  V-8.1 Fair Housing Act (FHAct) 06/2006
  V-9.1 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 12/2009
  V-10.1 Consumer Leasing 06/2009
  V-11.1 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act 06/2009
  V-12.1 Talent Amendment 06/2009
  V-13.1 Overdraft Payment Programs 08/2012
  V-14.1 Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act 08/2012
VI Compliance Depository Issues  
  VI-1.1 Expedited Funds Availability Act 08/2012
  VI-2.1 Electronic Fund Transfer Act 06/2011
  VI-3.1 Truth in Savings Act (834k) 12/2011
  VI-4.1 Interest on Deposits — Part 329 12/2009
VII Abusive Practices
  VII-1.1 Federal Trade Commission Act, Section 5 Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices 06/2011
  VII-2.1 Credit Practices Rule (Regulation AA) 06/2006
  VII-3.1 FTC Rule – Preservation of Claims and Defenses 06/2006
  VII-4.1 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 06/2006
  VII-5.1 Third Party Risk 08/2012
VIII Privacy and Consumer Information
  VIII-1.1 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Privacy of Consumer Financial Information) (377k) 06/2011
  VIII-2.1 Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) 06/2006
  VIII-3.1 Right to Financial Privacy Act 06/2006
  VIII-4.1 Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 06/2006
  VIII-5.1 Telephone Consumer Protection Act 06/2006
  VIII-6.1 Fair Credit Reporting Act 06/2011
IX Retail Sales
  IX-1.1 Retail Investment Sales 06/2006
  IX-2.1 Retail Insurance Sales 06/2006
X Other Compliance Issues
  X-1.1 Advertisement of Membership—Part 328 of FDIC Rules and Regulations 12/2009
  X-2.1 Section 42 of the Federal Deposit Insurance (FDI) Act—Branch Closings 06/2006
  X-3.1 The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) 08/2012
  X-4.1 Prohibition Against Use of Interstate Branches Primarily for Deposit Production 06/2006
  X-5.1 Bank Subsidiaries and Affiliates 06/2011
XI Community Reinvestment Act
  XI-1.1 Community Reinvestment Act 06/2006
  XI-1.1 Small Bank 06/2006
  XI-2.1 Intermediate Small Bank 08/2012
  XI-3.1 Large Bank 06/2006
  XI-4.1 Wholesale/Limited Purpose Institution 06/2006
  XI-5.1 Institutions with Strategic Plans 06/2006
  XI-6.1 CRA Ratings System 06/2006
  XI-7.1 CRA Sunshine – Disclosure and Reporting of CRA-Related Agreements 06/2006
  XI-8.1 Community Contacts 06/2006
  XI-9.1 Sampling Guidelines CRA 06/2006
  XI-10.1 Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment 06/2011
  XI-11.1 CRA References 08/2012
XII Community Reinvestment Act Performance Evaluation Templates
  XII-1.1 Small Institution 06/2006
  XII-2.1 Intermediate Small Institution, Intrastate 06/2006
  XII-3.1 Intermediate Small Institution, Interstate 06/2006
  XII-4.1 Large Institution 06/2006
  XII-5.1 Strategic Plan 06/2006
  XII-6.1 Wholesale and Limited Purpose 06/2006

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information and data presented in the Compliance Examination Manual (Manual) is accurate and current. However, the FDIC makes no express or implied warranty regarding such information or data, and hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities that use or access this Manual and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through this website.

The information available in this Manual is not intended to constitute and should not be considered as legal advice, nor is it intended to substitute for obtaining legal advice from competent, independent, legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Transmission and receipt of this information is not intended to create and does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. This website does not purport to authoritatively interpret current federal statutes, regulations, orders or other federal authority, nor does it bind the FDIC or any other federal agency or entity with regard to the matters presented.

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Last Updated 08/13/2012 supervision@fdic.gov