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2012 NCEA Conference

Next year marked the 27th Anniversary of the NCEA Conference. The intent of the conference is threefold. The first goal of the conference is to develop a national awareness of ethical behavior in the undergraduate community. The second goal of the conference is to improve collegiate codes of ethics and honor systems across the nation by drawing on the experiences and value systems of students from various colleges and universities. The third and final goal of the conference is to provide students with the opportunity to discuss issues of character and integrity with proven athletes, business and government officials, as well as leaders of character across varying fields of enterprise.
2012 NCEA Itinerary
NOTE: Events and Itinerary Subject To Change
The theme for NCEA is Serving with Integrity. Our Founding Fathers built this nation on a strong set of moral values. They put their lives, objectives and even loved ones at jeopardy in order to carry out their just cause. Today is no different; every day students face a multitude of ethical dilemmas. Whether it is cheating on a test, using fake identification, or knowing when to intervene on a distasteful situation, ethical decisions are an integral part of our lives.
By sharing personal philosophies and collectively addressing ethical issues with students from a variety of academic environments, we can increase our awareness of ethical challenges and the different moral philosophies that govern people's decisions. This awareness will undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the ethical dilemmas that face our country and help us to design solutions to these dilemmas. We will not change the world at this conference, but through thoughtful discussion and by imparting to one another a better understanding of the ethical dilemmas that face our country, we believe we can empower each and every delegate to make a change on his or her campus.
PLEASE NOTE: The FIRST and LAST day are TRAVEL DAYS - The Conference begins on the morning of the second day and ends the evening prior to the last day. Please plan your travel accordingly.
2012 NCEA Conference
October 14th - 18th 2012
West Point, NY
Hosted by The Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic
and sponsored by the West Point Class of 1970