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Stand-To: Procedure prior to first light to enhance unit security, a daily compendium of news, information, and context for Army leaders.

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STAND-TO! Edition: Thursday, August 9 2012

Today's Focus:

Army Power and Energy (Overview)

Senior Leaders are Saying

It really is amazing, the wide variety of things here that are being demonstrated and then fielded in a very short time frame. Our intent is to leverage technology in a way that makes the mission much more effective. This is about mission effectiveness and mission enablers and teaching Soldiers that being energy smart doesn't mean it's going to sacrifice or jeopardize some of the comforts or some of the ways they've been taught to war fight.

- Katherine Hammack, assistant secretary of the Army, Installations, Energy and Environment.

Operational Energy Day shines light on Army's future

What They're Saying

It is our job as senior leaders to ensure it's competitive, it shows true competency and it is an award of a true expert. With the integration of new equipment, we've got to ensure our testing and training standards are evolving as fast as the new equipment is arriving. That is the only way to truly measure an expert Infantry Soldier.

- Sgt. Maj. Terry Easter, operations sergeant major for the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), at Fort Campbell, Ky., calls the Expert Infantryman Badge a covenant award that Infantry Soldiers have always used to mark their excellence.

Expert Infantryman Badge forum addresses relevancy

A Culture of Engagement


150 Years: The Battle of Gettysburg: The American Civil War

July 27- Aug. 12: London 2012 Olympics, visit U.S. Army Olympians site.


Antiterrorism Awareness Month

Aug 1: Army Day
Aug 26: Women's Equality Day Related site: Women in the Army

National Preparedness Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month
Suicide Prevention Month
Sept. 11: Patriots Day
Sept. 16 POW/MIA Recognition Day
Sept. 25: Gold Star Mothers Day

Today's Focus

Army Power and Energy (Overview)

What is it?

Energy is a foundational enabler for all military capabilities. Energy is recognized as both a force multiplier and conversely, a vulnerability that can be exploited. Energy is an operational necessity for mission accomplishment. 'Energy security' is having assured access to reliable supplies of energy and the ability to protect and deliver sufficient energy to meet mission essential requirements.

What has the Army done?

The Army is enhancing mission effectiveness through Army Power and Energy advancements. Senior Army Leaders have identified Army Power and Energy as an Army priority. Energy goals and metrics have been incorporated into the Army Campaign Plan, the capstone document that sets priorities for Army leaders.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?

The Army is making Power and Energy an accountable consideration in everything we do, making every Soldier, civilian and family member an Energy Manager. The Army is developing new doctrine, policies, plans and technologies that will improve the management and use of Energy to better support Soldiers' needs. The Army is researching, developing, and deploying a variety of advanced technologies and improved management practices for energy, water, and waste to ensure that our Soldiers today - and the Soldiers of the future - have the land, water, and energy they need in which to train and operate a healthy environment in which to live and the support of local communities and the American people. Initiatives such as solar power, storm water management and water efficiency are positive steps being taken toward addressing the challenges of energy security in the operational and garrison environments.

Why is this important to the Army?

Supplying power and energy to our Army around the world is an increasingly challenging, expensive and dangerous undertaking. The Army must include energy security as a prime consideration in all activities to reduce demand, increase efficiency, obtain alternative sources of energy and create a culture of energy. The Army must be prepared to maintain and secure access to energy sources, which provide the capability to conduct military operations. Innovative and adaptive leaders, seeking ways to increase energy efficiency and implement renewable and alternate sources of energy, are key to saving lives and increasing the Army's flexibility by reducing costs.


Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment)

Army Energy News

Energy Initiatives Task Force

Net Zero Public Website

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