U.S. Department of Justice

A Case Study of Incarcerated Males Participating in a Canine Training Program

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Aug. 10, 2010

Library ID

  • 024607


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  • 2008
  • 230 pages.

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  • A Case Study of Incarcerated Males Participating in a Canine Training Program

ANNOTATION: The potential benefits realized through the use of a canine training program in a correctional facility are investigated. The inmates train assistance, therapy, rescue, and medical alert canines. Emotional outcomes of this program involve social support, sense of pride, feeling of giving back, increased patience, improved self-esteem, and a humanizing element. Practical outcomes of the program are improved responsibility, more positive prison environment, opportunities to help others, acquisition of employability skills, setting and execution of goals, and behavior modification and improvement. "[R]esults from this study will assist correctional administration in the design, implementation, and evaluation of dog training programs in prisons" (vii).

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