National Archives at Chicago

Numerical List

This is an numerical list of record groups maintained at NARA's Great Lakes Region (Chicago).

RG 4 · U.S. Food Administration
RG 5 · U.S. Grain Corporation
RG 9 · National Recovery Administration
RG 12 · Office of Education
RG 13 · National Mediation Board
RG 15 · Veterans Administration
RG 18· Army Air Forces
RG 21 · District Courts of the United States
RG 22 · U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
RG 24 · Bureau of Naval Personnel

RG 25 · National Labor Relations Board
RG 26 · U.S. Coast Guard
RG 27 · Weather Bureau
RG 28 · Post Office Department
RG 30 · Bureau of Public Roads
RG 36 · U.S. Customs Service
RG 41 · Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation
RG 48 · Office of the Secretary of the Interior
RG 49 · Bureau of Land Management
RG 58 · Internal Revenue Service

RG 72 · Bureau of Aeronautics
RG 75 · Bureau of Indian Affairs
RG 77 · Office of the Chief of Engineers
RG 79 · National Park Service
RG 83 · Bureau of Agricultural Economics
RG 85 · Immigration and Naturalization Service
RG 87 · U.S. Secret Service
RG 90 · Public Health Service, 1912-1968
RG 92 · Office of the Quartermaster General
RG 94 · Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917

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RG 95 · Forest Service
RG 96 · Farmers Home Administration
RG 100 · Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RG 103 · Farm Credit Administration
RG 110 · Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War)
RG 111 · Office of the Chief Signal Officer
RG 112 · Office of the Surgeon General (Army)
RG 114 · Natural Resources Conservation Service
RG 118 · United States Attorneys
RG 121 · Public Buildings Service
RG 127 · Records of the U.S. Marine Corps
RG 133 · Federal Coordinator of Transportation
RG 136 · Agricultural Marketing Service

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RG 145 · Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service
RG 146 · U.S. Civil Service Commission
RG 147 · Selective Service System, 1940-
RG 154 · War Finance Corporation
RG 155 · Wage and Hour Division
RG 156 · Office of the Chief of Ordnance
RG 158 · Capital Issues Committee
RG 163 · Selective Service System (World War I)
RG 165 · War Department General and Special Staffs
RG 175 · Chemical Warfare Service

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RG 180 · Commodity Futures Trading Commission
RG 181 · Naval Districts and Shore Establishments
RG 184 · Railroad Retirement Board
RG 187 · National Resources Planning Board
RG 188 · Office of Price Administration
RG 202 · National War Labor Board (World War II)
RG 211 · War Manpower Commission
RG 219 · Office of Defense Transportation
RG 228 · Committee on Fair Employment Practice
RG 232 · Petroleum Administrative Board

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RG 234 · Reconstruction Finance Corporation
RG 237 · Federal Aviation Administration
RG 245 · Solid Fuels Administration for War
RG 252 · Office of the Housing Expediter
RG 253 · Petroleum Administration for War
RG 255 · National Aeronautics and Space Administration
RG 269 · General Services Administration
RG 270 · War Assets Administration
RG 276 · U.S. Courts of Appeals
RG 280 · Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

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RG 291 · Federal Property Resources Service
RG 293 · Wage and Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization Agency
RG 309 · Small Business Administration
RG 310 · Agricultural Research Service
RG 319 · Army Staff
RG 326 · Atomic Energy Commission
RG 336 · Office of the Chief of Transportation
RG 338 · U.S. Army Commands, 1942-
RG 355 · National Agricultural Statistics Service
RG 361 · Defense Logistics Agency

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RG 369 · Employment and Training Administration
RG 370 · National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RG 381 · Community Services Administration
RG 397· Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
RG 403 · Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
RG 406 · Federal Highway Administration
RG 407 · Adjutant General's Office, 1917-
RG 412 · Environmental Protection Agency
RG 414 · Regional Committees and Commissions
RG 434 · General Records of the Department of Energy
RG 435 · Indian Arts and Crafts Board
RG 442 · Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
RG 452 · American Revolution Bicentennial Administration
RG 463 · Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
RG 489 · International Trade Administration
RG 527 · U.S. Marshals Service

· Donated Materials Groups

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