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You are here: Topics > Population and community ecology > Ecosystems > Aquatic ecosystems
Marine ecosystems
Biological communities composed of plants and animals living primarily in or on seawater.
Reef ecosystems (23 items)
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Results 1 - 37 of 37 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Biological resource status and trends: Marine ecosystems [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on marine ecosystems
Connectivity of tropical marine ecosystems--An overview of interdisciplinary research to understand biodiversity and trophic relationships in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico [More info]
Describes research to assess the effectiveness of the current system and distribution of marine reserves and protected areas in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico for conserving reef ecosystems and resources.
Biological resource status and trends: Ocean and sea ecosystems [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on oceanic ecosystems
Biological resource status and trends: Reef ecosystems [More info]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on reef ecosystems
PDF Detailed seafloor habitat mapping to enhance marine-resource management [More info]
We conduct systematic imaging of reef habitats in order to provide regulatory agencies with information they need to decide whether those reefs should be designated as protected areas.
Ecosystems of South Florida [More info]
An overview with brief descriptions and photographs of some of South Florida's unique ecosystems.
PDF From ridge to reef--linking erosion and changing watersheds to impacts on the coral reef ecosystems of Hawai‘i and the Pacific Ocean [More info]
Explains how land processes on hills near the shoreline affect the health of coral reefs.
Marine reserves and biological habitats: Monterey Bay, California [More info]
Brief description of the research program to inventory the natural resources of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with links to cruises, and publications and products, including an internet map server, imagery, and geologic descriptions.
PDF Science-Based Strategies for Sustaining Coral Ecosystems [More info]
Explains the environmental factors that affect coral reef habitats and ecosystems, focusing on those that pose urgent problems.
St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center [More info]
Research with a primary focus on coastal and marine environments and societal implications of natural hazards, resource sustainability, and environmental change.
PDF St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center coral reef research [More info]
Describes ecological problems facing coral reef ecosystems and the research strategies we use to study the prevalence and severity of those problems.
PDF USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center [More info]
Extreme storms, sea-level rise, and the health of marine communities are some of the major societal and environmental issues studied by this part of USGS.
PDF USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center--Research activities in the U.S. Virgin Islands [More info]
Explains type of information we collect and the problems we study in this area, focusing on coral reef ecosystems, ocean acidification, and sea-level change.
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [More info]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [More info]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Coastal ecosystem responses to influences from land and sea, coastal and ocean science [More info]
Changes in both the ocean and coastal ecosystems may have negative effects on sea otter populations in the coastal Northwest and Alaska. A study underway will examine these factors and the overall health of sea otter populations.
PDF Coral Diseases Following Massive Bleaching in 2005 Cause 60 Percent Decline in Coral Cover and Mortality of the Threatened Species, Acropora Palmata, on Reefs in the U.S. Virgin Islands [More info]
Record-high seawater temperatures and calm seas in the summer of 2005 led to the most severe coral bleaching (death) ever observed in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Coral mortality and African dust [More info]
Report with mini-movie and photos on the hypothesis that the atmospheric transport of dust arising from the desertification in northern Africa led to algal infestation of corals, coral diseases, and the near extinction of associated sea urchins.
PDF Corals as climate recorders [More info]
Shows how coral reef specimens are collected, the type of information gained from them, and the methods by which they are measured and studied to understand recent (past few centuries) changes in climate.
PDF Effects of Ocean Acidification and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs [More info]
By measuring the current and historical growth rates of coral skeletons, and using field experiments, we intend to find out whether rising atmospheric CO2 and rising sea levels will cause coral reefs to erode and cease to function.
PDF Gulf of Mexico deep-sea coral ecosystem studies, 2008-2011 [More info]
Deep-sea corals, also known as cold-water corals, have become a topic of interest due to conservation concerns over the impacts of trawling, exploration for oil and gas, and climate change.
Hypoxia [More info]
A brief definition and explanation of hypoxia with special reference to the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone along the Louisiana-Texas coast as well as extensive links to USGS and other related information resources.
Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and related USGS activities [More info]
Information about the causes and impact of hypoxia with links to USGS and other Federal agency information and activities related to nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.
PDF Microbial ecology of deep-water mid-Atlantic canyons [More info]
Plan for an upcoming study, at the microbiological scale, of the benthic communities (including corals) that reside in and around mid-Atlantic canyons, which are located at the edge of the continental shelf.
Oculina Bank - geology of a deep-water coral reef habitat off Florida [More info]
Brief report on sidescan sonar data, sediment sampling, and submersible and video photography studies of destruction of deep-water coral pinnacles where fish spawn off east-central Florida in the Oculina Bank in order to restore and protect the habitat.
Pacific Walrus Response to Arctic Sea Ice Losses [More info]
Radio-tracking indicates that walruses will exploit sparse ice to maintain access to preferred foraging areas over the continental shelf.
PDF Phage therapy for Florida corals? [More info]
Explains how some diseases affecting corals might be countered by viruses that infect disease-causing bacteria.
Protecting the Nation's coral reefs [More info]
Report on problems in preserving coral reef ecosystems with links to information on the interagency U.S. Coral Reef Task Force, press releases, reports, and NOAA coral reef sites.
PDF Red-Rimmed Melania (Melanoides tuberculatus) - A Snail in Biscayne National Park, Florida - Harmful Invader or Just a Nuisance? [More info]
Explains how this potentially harmful invasive species arrived, why we are concerned, where in the area it is found, what environmental factors control its spread, and what might be done in response.
Seasonal Flux and Assemblage Composition of Planktic Foraminifera from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, 2008-2009 [More info]
The U.S. Geological Survey established a sediment trap in the northern Gulf of Mexico to collect time-series data on the flux and assemblage composition of live planktic foraminifers. This report provides an update of the 2008 time-series data to include
Sound waves [More info]
Monthly online newsletter covering coastal and marine science with links listed under sections titled fieldwork, meetings, outreach, and research.
South Florida Virtual Tour [More info]
A pictorial overview for general audiences of key landscapes and ecosystems in South Florida; includes extensive references and links to past and current research activities relating to the South Florida ecosystem restoration effort.
Southeast Ecological Science Center - Welcome to the kid's corner [More info]
Children's website on southern Florida aquatic biology with short movie clips of amphibians, games & puzzles, wildlife pictures, teacher resources, and more.
Southeast Ecological Science Center - poster presentations [More info]
Poster presentations related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone [More info]
Information and links to USGS and other Federal agency monitoring and research concerning the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurring along the Louisiana-Texas coast.
PDF The Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium [More info]
Palmyra Atoll in the tropical Pacific is a "living laboratory" for multi-disciplinary research on coral reef ecosystems, insular terrestrial ecosystems, climate change, and the lingering effects of Cold War nuclear testing.
USGS Pacific coral reefs website [More info]
Overview of research in the Hawaiian Islands and Guam to gain insight into the structure of coral reefs, to provide the basis for future monitoring, and to understand the influences of natural processes and human activities on coral reef health.
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