U.S. Department of Justice

SCADA & PLC Vulnerabilities in Correctional Facilities: White Paper

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Mar. 08, 2012

Library ID

  • 025732

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  • 2011
  • 15 pages

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  • SCADA & PLC Vulnerabilities in Correctional Facilities: White Paper

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The uses and vulnerabilities of PLCs (programmable logic controllers) in corrections are often overlooked. A problem with PLCs in one facility led to all of the doors of the death row to open at the same time. “Using original and publically available exploits along with evaluating vulnerabilities in electronic and physical security designs, we will analyze SCADA [Siemens Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition] systems and PLC vulnerabilities in correctional and government secured facilities while making recommendations for improved security measures” (p. 2). Sections of this paper include: introduction; PLC design; prisons, penitentiary, and jail design; exploiting prison systems—possible scenarios; network security and information technology within correctional facilities; unauthorized access to networks; attack vectors such as Stuxnet; recommendations; and summary. Prison physical designs, electronic security, network security, and computer usage policies need to be re-evaluated and strengthened.

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