U.S. Department of Justice

ASCA Performance-Based Measures Resource Manual; PBMS Resource Manual

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 021116

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  • 2010
  • 483 pages.

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  • ASCA Performance-Based Measures Resource Manual; PBMS Resource Manual

ANNOTATION: This Resource Manual for the PBMS [Performance-based Measures System] nationwide automated information collecting system contains: introduction to PBMS; responses to frequently asked questions; ASCA Constitution; history and mission of PBMS; key indicators and counting rules; glossary of terms; data entry guidelines; sample reports; template for data upload; PBMS Users Guide; and training handouts and presentations. The PBMS will allow comparison of performance on a range of key correctional practices. Indicators are grouped into the areas of offender profile/contextual data (organizational and facility characteristics), public safety, institutional safety, mental health, substance abuse, justice, education, health, budget, and personnel.

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