U.S. Department of Justice

Post-Racial Racism: Crime Control and Racial Stratification in the Age of Obama

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Aug. 18, 2009

Library ID

  • 023898

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  • 2009
  • 63 pages.

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  • Post-Racial Racism: Crime Control and Racial Stratification in the Age of Obama

ANNOTATION: "This Essay uses the tremendous racial disparities in the American crime control systems to assess race and racism as key features of contemporary society [and] . . . [argues] for a renewed focus on racism, in particular on 'post-racial racism'" (p. 1). This essay is comprised of four sections: introduction; the racial politics of mass incarceration; toward a theory of racial stratification -- exploitation and exclusion; mechanisms of racial stratification and construction; and conclusion -- why "post-racial racism."

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