U.S. Department of Justice

How to Value Multi-Cultural and Diverse Organizations

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Aug. 21, 2012

Library ID

  • 026145


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  • 2011
  • 3 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “In today’s highly diverse organizations, the ability to work in diverse cultures is extremely important. An organization’s culture is driven by the values throughout that organization. Employees need to feel that their values are recognized, understood and respected. They need to feel that their ideas and concerns are being heard. Those conditions create strong motivation and momentum for strong performance in their jobs” (p. 1). This article explains how you can be an effective leader in a multicultural organization. Topics discussed include: the huge impact of cultural diversity on perceptions of leadership; four basic guidelines to culturally-specific interactions; how to learn basics about a culture; and how to talk about management and leadership in diverse environments. Links to additional resources regarding perspectives about diversity and how to value it are also provided.

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