Resources tagged with term(s) "AmeriCorps VISTA, AmeriCorps"

  • This online learning center for the VISTA community includes tutorials, courses, resources, links, discussion boards, a place to create your own profile and your own journal, and so much more. New...
  • Find the field-tested resources you need to recruit and train AmeriCorps and VISTA members. This site assists program staff in finding and sharing proven practices for recruiting and developing...
  • Well-planned and effective training reflects member needs, builds on member expertise, and also works to meet broader program goals. Training that takes place prior to service should include an...
  • Number of additional types of services offered by organizations as a result of capacity building services provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants in a) Disaster...
  • Number of organizations that have experienced an increase in requests for their programs and services as a result of capacity building services provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national...
  • Number of additional activities completed and/or program outputs produced by the program as a result of capacity building services provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national service...
  • Number of new systems and business processes (technology, performance management, training, etc.) or enhancements to existing systems and business processes put in place as a result of capacity...
  • Number of organizations reporting that capacity building activities provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants have helped to make the organization more effective....
  • Number of organizations reporting that capacity building activities provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants have helped to make the organization more efficient....
  • Hours of service contributed by community volunteers who were managed by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage
  • Number of organizations that completed a community assessment identifying goals and recommendations with the assistance of CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3:...
  • Number of staff and community volunteers that received training (of one or more types) as a result of capacity building services provided by CNCSsupported organizations or national service...
  • Number of organizations that received capacity building services from CNCSsupported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage Definition of Key Terms CNCS...
  • Number of economically disadvantaged individuals with improved financial knowledge. Goal 1: Economic Opportunity: Financial Literacy Definition of Key Terms Disadvantaged individuals: those counted...
  • Number of housing units developed, repaired, or otherwise made available for low-income individuals, families or people with disabilities. Goal 1: Economic Opportunity: Housing Definition of Key...
  • Number of economically disadvantaged individuals receiving job placement services. Goal 1: Economic Opportunity: Employment Definition of Key Terms Economically disadvantaged individuals: Must be...
  • Number of children accessing high quality early childhood education programs. Goal 1: Education: School Readiness Definition of Key Terms High quality: Early childhood education programs with all...
  • Number of children who start in an CNCS-supported early childhood education program. Goal 1: Education: School Readiness
  • Number of students earning a post-secondary degree. Goal 1: Education: Post-Secondary Education Support Definition of Key Terms Students: those reported in ED1, ED2, ED3A or ED4A. Degree: may include...
  • Number of students entering post-secondary institutions. Goal 1: Education: Post-Secondary Education Support Definition of Key Terms Students: those reported in ED1, ED2, ED3A or ED4A. Post-secondary...
  • Number of students graduating from high school on time with a diploma. Goal 1: Education: Post-Secondary Education Support Definition of Key Terms Students: Those reported in ED1, ED2, ED3A or ED4A....
  • Dollar value of in-kind resources leveraged by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage Definition of Key Terms In-kind resources: Non...
  • Dollar value of cash resources leveraged by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage Definition of Key Terms Cash resources: Cash, check...
  • Number of organizations implementing three or more effective volunteer management practices as a result of capacity building services provided by CNCS-supported organizations or national...
  • Number of community volunteers managed by CNCS-supported organizations or national service participants. Goal 3: Capacity Building and Leverage