Sharing a model for community technology center (CTC) AmeriCorps*VISTA projects

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Community technology centers (CTCs) provide access to information technology and related learning services to children and adults in economically distressed communities. More than 75 AmeriCorps*VISTA members serve in 35 CTCs in the United States (2002). This effective practice outlines a service model that has proven useful for the CTC VISTA Project at the College of Public and Community Service at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.

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Finding an effective service model for AmeriCorps*VISTA members who serve in community technology centers (CTCs) across the country.

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AmeriCorps*VISTA members in Lowell, Massachusetts serve with the CTC VISTA Project hosted by the College of Public and Community Service at the University of Massachusetts at Boston and the Community Technology Centers Network (CTCNet). A group of about twenty community technology centers in Lowell, Massachusetts comprise the Lowell Community Technology Consortium. The consortium is considered a model for other CTC VISTA projects. Effective practices from the consortium in the areas of technology, recruiting, administration, and funding include:


  • Serving as lab monitors, offering computer access daily and on an extended basis
  • Providing general technical support for computer patrons
  • Developing and teaching classes and workshops One volunteer teaches network administration classes, writes various PERL programs, teaches Microsoft Certified System Engineer courses and helps people pass their exams to get MCSE certified.
  • Refurbishing older computers for computer giveaway programs
  • Leading computer-recycling programsVolunteers use donated computers and hardware components to construct rebuilt machines for individual use for the computer- recycling program. (Interested clients submit paperwork that they are taking an eligibility class, i.e. basic skills, PC repair, or other certified class or providing volunteer hours. Paperwork goes to the recycling program and volunteers begin building a system. Once the client finishes class/volunteer work, the client can pick up the system at the distribution center.)
  • Remodeling/setting up facilities
  • Managing web pages
  • Building a web server infrastructure with the ability to run useful databases (such as class registration) at a very low cost
  • Assisting with a web-based community resource guide currently being developed at New Beginnings Technology Center, one of the Consortium's members
  • Building multi-media technology labs One AmeriCorps*VISTA member built the first multi-media technology lab at United Teen Equality Center (UTEC), organizing UTEC teens to clear and set up the facility, and is working with Lowell Technology Center's technicians to complete hardware and software installation. This AmeriCorps*VISTA volunteer serves by:
    • keeping open hours in which clients can come to the center to access the Internet, listen to music, or do school work.
    • coordinating the Technology Goes Home Program, a family technology program modeled after Boston's Technology Goes Home Program where teens come to class for 10-12 weeks for 2 to 3 hours a week with a parent or guardian to learn basic computer skills. If all classes are completed, the family receives a free laptop.
    • assisting in a video project where two AmeriCorps*VISTA members and four other teens are making documentaries on age-related topics by learning how to work with digital cameras, and how to cut and paste images from the cameras.
    • recruiting teens to come to the technology center by making flyers for various activities and business cards for some of the staff.
    • opening accounts for people so they can use the computers.
    • taking additional classes to learn web design skills to facilitate UTEC's first web site.
  • Supporting other members of the Lowell Community Technology Consortium by
    • Helping to develop web pages for the AmeriCorps*VISTA members in Lowell to showcase their organizations and their duties
    • Providing a source for teaching basic computer skills (i.e. Operating Systems, MSFT Office Systems, Web Authoring and Internet).
  • Offering advice and encouragement to clients who use the computer labs
  • Promoting people to make connections with each other


  • Designing an official recruitment program with guidelines for the Consortium
  • Developing volunteer and staff recruitment protocol, and recruiting membersInterviewing job applicants
  • Organizing a group of volunteers to work on the Consortium's web site
  • Promoting the Consortium to the community. One volunteer served as the Public Information Officer to promote the activities of the Consortium's member organizations and to create public awareness about its services. This included creating press releases for local newspapers, providing public service announcements to be broadcast on local radio and cable access stations, and writing a Consortium newsletter intended to unite and give support to the Consortium's member organizations and their constituents.


  • Producing reports as requested
  • Planning and participating in annual CTCNet conference
  • Gathering usage statistics
  • Beginning a technology planning process for the Center and conducting an initial needs/assets survey


  • Obtaining donations of goods and services

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The Community Technology Centers Network (CTCNet) is a national program that has over 600 independent community technology centers (2002). The purpose of the Community Technology Centers Program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers provide access to information technology and related learning services to children and adults.The CTC VISTA Project is a collaboration between AmeriCorps*VISTA, the Community Technology Centers' Network (CTCNet), and the College of Public and Community Service at the University of Massachusetts at Boston.

The CTC VISTA Project provides coordination, recruitment, training and support for more than 80 AmeriCorps*VISTA members who work in community technology centers (CTCs) across the country, helping people in low-income communities. Participating AmeriCorps*VISTA members attend a periodic training and orientation institute at the University of Massachusetts's Boston College of Public and Community (CPCS) Service, integrated with the developing CPCS program in Community Media and Technology and the national CTCNet conference annually in June. The CTC VISTA MetroBoston Project began in the fall of 2000 and serves as the pilot resource for the national project component that began in February 2001. The metroBoston area AmeriCorps*VISTA members not only started the project but, because they are able to meet monthly and in some cases even more frequently, provide much of the project's leadership.

AmeriCorps*VISTA develops community organizing and empowerment on-line by providing resources and supporting the placement of Community Technology Specialists with CTCNet affiliates.

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Changes for recipients include: 

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased job and life skills
  • Enhanced connections with others
  • Increased public awareness of CTC services

Changes for AmeriCorps*VISTA members include:

  • Learning new technological skills so they can educate others
  • Increased self-esteem from helping others
  • Career planning
  • Increased empathy for those being served

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May 29, 2002

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For More Information

Peter Miller
The CTC VISTA Project, College of Public and Community Service, UMass, Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA
Phone: (617) 287-7371
Fax: (617) 287-7274

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Community Technology Center's Network
