Asst. Secretary for Transportation Policy

About Us

The Office of Transportation Policy is the office responsible for recommending overall surface transportation policy initiatives to the Secretary.  The office coordinates multi-modal initiatives and processes, such as the development of DOT's proposed reauthorization language, and the coordination of the President's Executive Order on streamlining environmental reviews of transportation infrastructure.  Recently, the Office has taken the lead on developing, advocating, and implementing the Department's Congestion Initiative - seeking innovative and more effective and efficient ways to meet America's future transportation infrastructure needs.

The Office of Transportation Policy also reviews all proposed DOT rulemakings, legislation, testimony and reports to Congress.

How We're Organized

Within the Transportation Policy Office are three subordinate staff director offices:
Initiates and develops Secretarial policies relating to the financing of transportation infrastructure; the use of economic analysis in evaluating infrastructure investments, rulemakings, Departmental programs, and other initiatives; the use of economic analysis in reducing congestion and enhancing the efficient operation of transportation networks; and other applications of economic analysis in transportation policymaking.  Provides economic analysis of recommendations and proposed rules.  Oversees the development and implementation of the Department's strategic plan.
Initiates and coordinates Secretarial policies on safety, environment and energy issues affecting all aspects of transportation. Provides technical expertise on safety, energy and environmental matters for the Department’s legislative, regulatory and research programs. Serves as the Departmental focal point for domestic and international initiatives related to safety, energy and environment.   Conducts analyses and recommends policies for: reducing transportation fatality and injury rates, stewardship of the human and natural environment, including air quality, water quality, and historic resources, and protecting environmental health while improving the transportation system.
The Office of Infrastructure Finance and Innovation is primarily responsible, in coordination with the Office of the Chief Economist, for providing policy direction related to the implementation of infrastructure grant programs, credit programs and regulations that impact infrastructure development and operation. The Office shall play the lead role in advising the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy and the Under Secretary for Policy on the development of policies related to innovative finance and procurement.
Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2012