Work for Water

Great Careers for a Great Cause

Welcome to Work for Water!  It’s the place where students and job seekers can explore green careers, and utilities will find a clearinghouse of resources for recruiting in the wonderful world of water.  Developed by the American Water Works Association and Water Environment Federation, the world’s leading technical experts on drinking water and water quality, this site is packed with resources to find jobs or prepare for rewarding careers in protecting public health and the environment. Learn about what it takes to work for water and get a great job for a great cause!

Video provided by U.S. EPA in partnership with Work for Water

High School/Votech
Military Second Career
Advanced Science

Need New Talent?

Recruit and train veterans for careers in the water sector!

Soldier Saluting 

Resources for Recruiting Veterans


Resources for Water Professionals

Utilities will find a wealth of information on building and maintaining a water workforce and a toolkit including PowerPoint
Presentations for high school and junior high students.