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Service members and their families have experienced the stress of coping with deployments in an unprecedented scale since the beginning of the Global War on Terror.  Military downsizing in the 1990's, combined with increased requirements for forces in overseas locations, has significantly increased the likelihood that a service member will be required to deploy for an extended period and may face multiple deployments.

Check out the new Deployment Guide. This guide is intended to help service members and their families prepare for deployment, serve as a resource during the deployment, and help navigate the challenges of a service member's return and reintegration after the deployment.  Information presented in the guide applies to deploying service members of all Service branches and components and their families.  The guide is not intended to be printed in its entirety but to be used as an interactive resource.

The Department of Defense (DoD) recognizes the stress associated with deployments for both the service member and family members and, in response, provides deployment support programs to assist in preparing for this event.  Installation family support centers operate the deployment support program, leading service members and their families through the three main stages of deployment: pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment (return and reunion).

The installation family support center works closely with other installation programs such as the legal assistance program, the personal financial management program, and the chaplains to ensure that service members and their families are properly prepared prior to deployment. During a deployment, the family support center partners with other activities, such as the Family Readiness Groups and counseling programs, to ensure that family members can cope with the emotional stress of having a loved one deployed and are able to meet basic family responsibilities while one member is away (i.e., day-to-day needs such as child care, bills, etc.) In preparing for the return of a deployed service member, the deployment support program refers to various health programs to provide information and resources to family members to educate them on how to help their service member smoothly transition back to normal life and to identify any potential issues affecting their service member as a result of the deployment. Additionally, for Reserve Component service members, the deployment support program provides information and resources to educate service members and their families about specific benefits and entitlements available to them during mobilization and deployment.

Installation service providers working within the family centers are uniquely suited to educate and assist service members and their families in preparing for and coping with the effects of deployments. They understand the environment of the military, the emotional and financial challenges that exist for members of the military during deployments, and the various programs, services, and resources available to service members and their families to help prepare for and manage all stages of the deployment process.