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The following publications provide additional information on deployment support to supplement services provided to clients.

Department of Defense

Balancing Your Guard/Reserve Career and Your Civilian Career - The Facts  This presentation from the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs provides information on the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and the Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).

Coming Home: A Guide for Parents, Extended Family Members, or Friends of Service Members Returning from Mobilization/Deployment  The Coming Home guide series provides information and tips for service members, spouses, and family and friends for the return of service members from deployment. The guide for friends and extended family members lists tips for what to expect during reunion with the service member and how to make the reunion easier.

Coming Home: A Guide for Service Members Returning from Mobilization/Deployment  The Coming Home guide series provides information and tips for service members, spouses, and family and friends for the return of service members from deployment. The guide for service members lists tips for reuniting with his/her spouse, children, or family and friends.

Coming Home: A Guide for Spouses of Service Members Returning from Mobilization/Deployment  The Coming Home guide series provides information and tips for service members, spouses, and family and friends for the return of service members from deployment. The guide for spouses lists tips on what to expect during reunion from both the service member and children.

Guard and Reserve Family Member Benefits Guide  This guide, provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, lists military benefits and privileges for family members of Reserve Component Service members and includes eligibility requirements as well as where family members can receive additional assistance.

Mobilization and Deployment Information and Resources Guide  This guide, provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, provides Guard and Reserve members with information to assist them in performing their military duties.

New Emotional Cycles of Deployment  Published by the Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library, this pamphlet defines the emotional stages family members go through during a deployment.

Personal and Family Readiness Toolkit, January 2007  Published by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, this guide provides a wealth of information for National Guard and Reserve service members to help prepare them and their families for potential deployments.


The Army Family Readiness Handbook  This handbook contains materials developed to assist in preparing families of active duty, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve Soldiers. Although the handbook contains information on a wide range of family support activities, Chapter 5 of the handbook specifically provides information for Army personnel who have the responsibility for providing family support and assistance during deployment.

Army Reserve Finance Guide for Mobilizing Soldiers, September 2004  This guide outlines the responsibilities of leaders and Soldiers and provides information on financial topics such as military pay and how it changes during mobilization and deployment, the mobilization/deployment process, travel pay information, and policies concerning the government travel charge card.

Coming Home Preparation Family Resource Guide  This guide, published by the Army Reserve, provides information for families of Reserve Soldiers on transitional benefits and entitlements available when Reserve Soldiers return from active duty.

Family Deployment Checklist  The Family Deployment Checklist notes important documents that the family should have in their possession while the service member is deployed, house care items to be completed, and financial matters that should be addressed prior to deployment.

Mobilization and Deployment Support to Army Families Information Paper, November 3, 2008 This information paper provides background information on support provided to Soldiers and their families during mobilization and deployments.

Soldier/Family Deployment Survival Handbook  Published by the Family Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command (FMWRC) of the Army, this handbook provides details on deployment separation, a special section on topics unique to the Reserve Component, and an additional section on resources for Soldiers and family members.

Soldier/Spouse Pre-deployment Checklist  This checklist notes various issues that Soldiers and spouses should cover prior to the deployment of a service member. Topics include automotive concerns, contact information, and financial, legal, medical, and security/safety measures.

Step by Step Mobilization Family Resource Guide  This guide, published by the Army Reserve for Reserve families, explains the benefits and entitlements available to Reserve families while the Soldier is mobilized.

Marine Corps

Marine Corps Unit Deployment Guide Template  The Marine Corps Unit Deployment Guide Template provides three templates (commanders, families, and single Marines) and allows units to customize the content to best serve each of the intended audiences. Each template provides references, information, and tools to better prepare for an upcoming deployment.

Return and Reunion Guides These publications are designed to assist Marine Corps families through the reintegration process.

Air Force

Air Force Readiness EDGE: A Guide to Support Commanders and Supervisors with the Services of the Air Force Integrated Delivery System  This guide supports commanders and supervisors responsible for sponsors and family members involved in deployment and at the home front for the Air Force. The guide provides commanders and supervisors with checklists that identify deployment and operational stressors and explains specific behaviors and concerns related to deployment stress with tailored support to pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment.

Air Force Readiness EDGE: A Guide to Support Family Members with the Services of the Air Force Integrated Delivery System  This guide is designed to support family members whose sponsors are involved in deployment and mobilization. This guide provides checklists that identify potential family stressors, explains specific behaviors and concerns related to deployment and post-deployment, and provides links to additional websites.

Other Guides

Coping with a Deployment Extension  Developed by Military OneSource, Coping with a Deployment Extension is a guide designed to explain how family members may be feeling, how to cope as a family, how to handle practical matters, and how family members can support their service members.

Coping with the Deployment of a Spouse or Partner  Developed by Military OneSource, this guide describes how to handle the deployment of a partner and where to go to get help and support.

Preparing for Deployment: The Home Side  Developed by Military OneSource, this publication provides emotional tips for families preparing for deployment to include tips for preparing the home and the children for deployment.

Welcome Home: A Guide to Healthy Family Reunion  Published by the American Red Cross, this guide provides information on what families can expect during reunion with their deployed service member.

When Your Son or Daughter is Deployed  Developed by Military OneSource, this tip sheet for parents of deployed service members provides information on preparing for deployment, managing emotions, remaining in contact with the service member, and preparing for the return of their child.