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Articles with keyword "China"


Recluse At Court

From a chapter on art in the Yuan Dynasty, written by James Cahill in the NEH-supported 1997 reference work Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting (Yale University Press).

Portrait of Emperor Kangxi in Court Dress


Imperial Scrolls of China

By Meredith Hindley

Monumental paintings from the Qing dynasty document the power of its emperors.

Image of edition of <em> Stèles</em>, first published in 1914.


The End of Man

By Steve Moyer

And the Art of Victor Segalen.

An Ancient Chinese Poet, facsimile of original Chinese scroll, Chinese School.


The Making of Jonathan Spence

By Frederic E. Wakeman Jr.

From Winchester College to The Search for Modern China.

Jonathan Spence, the 39th Jefferson Lecturer in the Humanities


The China Scholar

Jonathan Spence and NEH Chairman Leach discuss key moments in four hundred years of Chinese history.

Linking Verse across Adjoining Rooms, detail


Sister Poets

By Steve Moyer

In China they were called cainü.

The awakened Buddha surrounded by lotus scrolls, Xiangtangshan


Worshipped, Plundered, and Digitized

By Lauren Viera

It’s easy enough to wander through the Asian art wing of a large museum and skim over the fine print.

Mo Yan


The Real Mo Yan

The renowned Chinese novelist talks with NEH Chairman Jim Leach.


Mo Yan 101

By James Williford

Sometime in the late 1960s or early seventies, a neighbor told Guan Moye about a writer he knew whose work was so popular that he could afford to eat jiaozi—“those tasty little pork dumplings