Bonneville Power Administration

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We support the Women in Trades program

The Bonneville Power Administration provides educational resources to teachers and students, grades four through twelve.

Our materials focus on hydropower, electricity, renewable energy, climate change, environment fish and wildlife and energy efficiency.

Through these programs, BPA assists regional schools in providing a high-quality education and preparing students for future employment.

We sponsor and participate in a variety of education programs for kids, including science fairs and competitions, classroom presentations, summer science camps, worksite visits, tours and career-based learning experiences. Two employees help insulate a northwest home

BPA employees engage with the communities we serve to make a difference. BPA employees help with habitation management At BPA, we know the power of lending a hand. Our volunteer program provides hands-on support to community projects that support math and science education, energy conservation and environmental stewardship.

BPA employees engage with the communities we serve to make a difference.

For more information, please contact:
      Christy Adams at

Need help finding something? Send us a message, or give us a call at 800-622-4519.
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