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Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate

Research Areas

Weak Interaction Physics

Weak Interaction Physics photo

Physics has two working models of reality: Einstein's general relativity theory dealing with space, time, and gravity; and the Standard Model, which incorporates three fundamental interactions between the particles making up all matter, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Researchers are exploring the "strong" and "weak" forces to get a well-rounded understanding of the universe.

Guided by the Standard Model, weak interaction physics at PNNL focuses on experimental measurements of lepton number violation, neutrino mass, dark matter, heavy quark physics, and astrophysics. We focus on breakthroughs in the field by merging our interdisciplinary team with technical expertise uniquely suited for experimental studies of rare processes.

For more information, please see the Weak Interaction Physics website.

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Fundamental & Computational Sciences

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