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Fundamental and Computational Sciences Directorate

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Vladislav Petyuk

Omic Biological Applications
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K8-98
Richland, WA 99352

PNNL Publications


  • Baker ES, T Liu, VA Petyuk, KE Burnum-Johnson, YM Ibrahim, GA Anderson, and RD Smith. 2012. "Mass Spectrometry for Translational Proteomics: Progress and Clinical Implications." Genome Medicine 4:Article No. 63.  doi:10.1186/gm364


  • Ghazalpour A, B Bennett, VA Petyuk, L Orazco, R Hagopian, I Mungrue, CR Farber, J Sinsheimer, HM Kang, N Furlotte, C Park, PZ Wen, HM Brewer, KK Weitz, DG Camp, II, C Pan, R Yordanova, I Neuhaus, C Tilford, N Siemers, P Gargalovic, E Eskin, T Kirchgessner, DJ Smith, RD Smith, and AJ Lusis. 2011. "Comparative Analysis of Proteome and Transcriptome Variation in Mouse." PLoS Genetics 7(6):Article No. e1001393.  doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1001393
  • Xie F, T Liu, W Qian, VA Petyuk, and RD Smith. 2011. "Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-based Quantitative Proteomics." Journal of Biological Chemistry 286(29):25443-25449. 
  • Zhang Q, ME Monroe, AA Schepmoes, TRW Clauss, MA Gritsenko, D Meng, VA Petyuk, RD Smith, and TO Metz. 2011. "Comprehensive Identification of Glycated Peptides and Their Glycation Motifs in Plasma and Erythrocytes of Control and Diabetic Subjects." Journal of Proteome Research 10(7):3076-3088. 


  • Jung HJ, SO Purvine, H Kim, VA Petyuk, SW Hyung, ME Monroe, DG Mun, KC Kim, JM Park, SJ Kim, N Tolic, GW Slysz, RJ Moore, R Zhao, JN Adkins, GA Anderson, H Lee, DG Camp, II, MH Yu, RD Smith, and SW Lee. 2010. "Integrated Post-Experiment Monoisotopic Mass Refinement: An Integrated Approach to Accurately Assign Monoisotopic Precursor Masses to Tandem Mass Spectrometric Data." Analytical Chemistry 82(20):8510-8518.  doi:10.1021/ac101388b
  • Petyuk VA, W Qian, RD Smith, and DJ Smith. 2010. "Mapping protein abundance patterns in the brain using voxelation combined with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry." Methods 50(2):77-84. 
  • Zhang X, J Zhou, MH Chin, AA Schepmoes, VA Petyuk, KK Weitz, BO Petritis, ME Monroe, DG Camp, II, SA Wood, WP Melega, DJ Bigelow, DJ Smith, W Qian, and RD Smith. 2010. " Region-Specific Protein Abundance Changes in the Brain of MPTP-induced Parkinson's Disease Mouse Model ." Journal of Proteome Research 9(3):1496-1509.  doi:10.1021/pr901024z


  • Park CC, VA Petyuk, W Qian, RD Smith, and DJ Smith. 2009. "Dual spatial maps of transcript and protein abundance in the mouse brain." Expert Review of Proteomics 6(3):243-249. 
  • Petyuk VA, AM Mayampurath, ME Monroe, AD Polpitiya, SO Purvine, GA Anderson, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2009. "DtaRefinery: a software tool for elimination of systematic errors from parent ion mass measurements in tandem mass spectra datasets." Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. MCP 9.3:486-496.  doi:10.1074/mcp.M900217-MCP200
  • Qian W, T Liu, VA Petyuk, MA Gritsenko, BO Petritis, AD Polpitiya, A Kaushal, W Xiao, CC Finnerty, MG Jescheke, N Jaitly, ME Monroe, RJ Moore, LL Moldawer, RW Davis, RG Tompkins, DN Hemdon, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2009. "Large-Scale Multiplexed Quantitative Discovery Proteomics Enabled by the Use of an O-18-Labeled "Universal" Reference Sample ." Journal of Proteome Research 8(1):290-299. 


  • Zhang Q, VA Petyuk, AA Schepmoes, DJ Orton, ME Monroe, F Yang, RD Smith, and TO Metz. 2008. "Analysis of Non-Enzymatically Glycated Peptides: Neutral-Loss Triggered MS3 Versus Multi-Stage Activation Tandem Mass Spectrometry." Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 22(19):3027-3034.  doi:10.1002/rcm.3703
  • Chin MH, W Qian, H Wang, VA Petyuk, JS Bloom, DM Sforza, G Lacan, D Liu, AH Khan, RM Cantor, DJ Bigelow, WP Melega, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and DJ Smith. 2008. "Mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and apoptosis revealed by proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of the striata in two mouse models of Parkinson's disease." Journal of Proteome Research 7(2):666-677.  doi:10.1021/pr070546l
  • Petyuk VA, W Qian, C Hinault, MA Gritsenko, M Singhal, ME Monroe, DG Camp, II, RN Kulkarni, and RD Smith. 2008. "Characterization of the mouse pancreatic islet proteome and comparative analysis with other mouse tissues." Journal of Proteome Research 7(8):3114-3126.  doi:10.1021/pr800205b
  • Petyuk VA, N Jaitly, RJ Moore, J Ding, TO Metz, K Tang, ME Monroe, AV Tolmachev, JN Adkins, ME Belov, AR Dabney, W Qian, DG Camp, II, and RD Smith. 2008. "Elimination of Systematic Mass Measurement Errors in Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Based Proteomics using Regression Models and a priori Partial Knowledge of the Sample Content ." Analytical Chemistry 80(3):693-706.  doi:10.1021/ac701863d
  • Polpitiya AD, W Qian, N Jaitly, VA Petyuk, JN Adkins, DG Camp, II, GA Anderson, and RD Smith. 2008. " DAnTE: a statistical tool for quantitative analysis of -omics data." Bioinformatics 24(13):1556-1558.  doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btn217


  • Chin MH, AB Geng, AH Khan, W Qian, VA Petyuk, J Boline, S Levy, AW Toga, RD Smith, RM Leahy, and DJ Smith. 2007. "A genome-scale map of expression for a mouse brain section obtained using voxelation." Physiological Genomics 30(3):313-321. 
  • Petyuk VA, W Qian, MH Chin, HH Wang, EA Livesay, ME Monroe, JN Adkins, N Jaitly, DJ Anderson, DG Camp, II, DJ Smith, and RD Smith. 2007. "Spatial Mapping of Protein Abundances in the Mouse Brain by Voxelation Integrated with High-Throughput Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry." Genome Research 17(3):328-336.  doi:10.1101/gr.5799207


  • Jaitly N, ME Monroe, VA Petyuk, TRW Clauss, JN Adkins, and RD Smith. 2006. "Robust Algorithm for Alignment of Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Analyses in an Accurate Mass and Time Tag Data Analysis Pipeline." Analytical Chemistry 78(21):7397-7409. 
  • Tolmachev AV, ME Monroe, N Jaitly, VA Petyuk, JN Adkins, and RD Smith. 2006. "Mass Measurement Accuracy In Analyses Of Highly Complex Mixtures Based Upon Multidimensional Recalibration." Analytical Chemistry 78(24):8374-8385.  doi:10.1021/ac0606251
  • Wang HH, W Qian, MH Chin, VA Petyuk, RC Barry, T Liu, MA Gritsenko, HM Mottaz, RJ Moore, DG Camp, II, AH Khan, D Smith, and RD Smith. 2006. "Characterization of the Mouse Brain Proteome Using Global Proteomic Analysis Complemented with Cysteinyl-Peptide Enrichment." Journal of Proteome Research 5(2):361-369. 

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