
NOTICE: October 19, 2012

DEFLEC12A and USDOV2012 Models Released

The National Geodetic Survey has released both the DEFLEC12A and USDOV2012 models. These models are companion products to the GEOID12A and USGG2012 models, respectively. They are intended for use in determining the angular difference of the plumbline relative to a specific reference frame (NAD 83 and IGS08/GRS-80, respectively).

NOTICE: September 18, 2012

NGS requests your patience while we update the "bluebooking" process for GPS projects.

While we update the adjust guidelines, submissions for all GPS projects are being postponed until the new "bluebooking" processes are posted. A notice will be posted here when this is accomplished. Thank you for your cooperation.

NOTICE: NGS Update, September 11, 2012

GEOID12A Model Released

The National Geodetic Survey has released the GEOID12A model. Analysis of the underlying control data has been completed and a number of corrections were made to the original data used in making GEOID12. Changes impacted regions in the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin. GEOID12A is now available for production and use.

The National Geodetic Survey Improves the National Spatial Reference System with Simultaneous Major Product Releases

In the first week of July, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) released the results of three major improvements to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). The NSRS is the consistent coordinate system that defines latitude, longitude, height, scale, gravity, and orientation throughout the United States and its territories...more

NOAA Releases NGS Data Explorer Application

This week, NOAA released a new web application to allow users to view National Geodetic Survey (NGS) geodetic control across the United States and its territories using Google Maps...more

A New Version of the NOAA Shoreline Data Explorer (Continuously Updated Shoreline Product only) is now Available:

2012 Geospatial Summit: Postponed

NGS Announces New Photo Submission Guidelines:

NGS Releases Final Report for Floodplain Mapping Pilot Project

As NGS moves closer to 2022 and replacing the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), NGS is interacting closely with agencies that use the datums to assist in the transition...more

A 2009 independent study shows the benefits to the U.S. economy from NOAA's positioning products and services are in the billions of dollars.

Click here for a one page overview of the study
Click here for a copy of the full report

In The News

10/25/2012 - NGS Plays Lead Role in GeoTech 2012 Conference

The week of October 22, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) played a lead role in GeoTech 2012, the annual conference of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Potomac Region.....more

10/18/2012 - Enabling Historical "T-Sheets" to be Accurately and Efficiently Geo-referenced

Historical Topographic Sheets ("T-Sheets") produced by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey are referenced to various horizontal datums in use over the two hundred years since the first Survey of the Coast in 1816. To use these maps to document coastal change, a conversion has to be made from the horizontal datum used at the time the map was published to the datum in which modern data are expressed. Upon successful completion of rigorous testing now underway, the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) will soon provide a free...more

10/18/2012 - NGS Reaches Out to Educate and Inform Budding Scientists on Coast-Related Programs

This week, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey (NGS) and Office of Coast Survey (OCS) participated in Know the Coast Day, an educational open house for K-12 students and the general public at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Joint Hydrographic Center Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping...more

10/11/2012 - Representing the United States at International Symposium on Gravity and Height Systems

NGS is representing the United States at the International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid, and Height Systems in Venice, Italy on Oct. 9–12. The symposium will address the creation and maintenance of global vertical height systems, which are critical for many surveying, engineering, and scientific activities...more

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