Rep. Gutierrez: Statement on Financial Reform Conference Meeting

Jun 29, 2010 Issues: Financial Services

Including Pre-Funded Dissolution Fund Would Have Avoided This Hiccup


Media Contact: Douglas Rivlin (202) 225-8203


(Washington, DC)Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL-4), Chairman of the House Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee, was the original author of the amendment that added the pre-funded or ex-ante fund to the House version of the Wall Street reform bill (H.R. 4173). He also fought for a ex-ante fund in conference (see Huffington Post column 06/17/2010 "It is Time For Wall Street To Ex-Ante Up" The following is a statement by Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez.

I am pleased that we have found a way to solve the funding problem for the Dodd-Frank bill. However, I find it ironic that many of the very Senators who have such a problem with filling the $20 billion hole are the ones that created it in the first place by going out of their way to kill the ex-ante dissolution fund! But now that we have addressed their concerns, I hope they will support this important legislation and side with consumers and Main Street over the big banks on Wall Street and their lobbyists.

