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October 11, 2005 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Action 1: Please review Steering Committee (SC) and Coordination Group (CG) charters and send any additional comments to John Mahoney ( and Leslie Armstrong ( by October 31, 2005.

Action 2: Please send modifications to subcommittee and working group charter and workplan status table and updated charters and 06 workplans to David Painter ( by October 31, 2005.

Action 3: Please review "Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions" for implementing interoperability and provide comment to Elliot Christian ( by November 15, 2005.

Action 4: Please review and comment on draft Annual Report to Mario Lopez-Gomez ( or by October 19, 2005.

Action 5: Please review and comment on FGDC Agency Metadata Profiles by October 26, 2005. Submit comments to Lynda Wayne ( Final draft will be presented to November Coordination Group Meeting for approval.

Action 6: Agencies are encouraged to contact Leslie Wollack ( and John Clark ( to explore establishing new "outreach and communication" working group.

Action 7: Contact Leslie Wollack ( if interested in a GIS Congressional Breakfast.

Action 8: FGDC to meet with OMB and define issues on grants, data access guidelines, etc.

Next FGDC Coordination Group Meeting

November 1, 2005
Federal Communication Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC
7th Floor, Room 7-B516
Host: Donald Campbell

Draft agenda:
- Annual Report to OMB
- New FGDC Website
- Interoperability Prototype
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Geospatial Profile Update

Next FGDC Steering Committee Meeting in planning for late January 2006.

Host: Michael Sherman, NCPC

Leslie Armstrong, FGDC, Chair
Kitty Hancock, VaTech/CGIT
Dennis Crow, USDA/OCIO
Brian Cullis, DoD
Mark Bradford, DOT
Tony LaVoi, NOAA
Monica DeAngelo, FERC
Brett Abrams, NARA
Anne O’Connor, Census
John Clark, GSA
Heidi Santiago, DoD
Donald Draper Campbell, FCC
Ann Frazier, National Research Council
Michael "Zeke" Lee, DHS/GMO
Jennifer Runyon, USGS/BGN
Joe Evjen, NOAA/NGS
Julie Maitra, FGDC
David Painter, FGDC
Jon Sperling, HUD
Mario Lopez-Gomez, DOJ (FGDC/GIO)
Myra Bambacus, NASA
Carolyn Austin Diggs, Treasury
Sharon Shin, FGDC
John Mahoney, USGS
Doug Nebert, FGDC
Alan Voss, TVA
Barb White, FWS
Milo Robinson, FGDC
Leslie Wollack, USGS

Introductions and Announcements
Virginia Tech Center for Geospatial Information Technology CGIT: Kitty Hancock, Associate Director, CGIT described the expanding Virginia Tech spatial technology outreach activities in the Washington, DC area. The program focuses on application of GIS in decision-making for researchers and clients. For more information on the program and possible intern opportunities contact Dr. Hancock at and visit their website at

USDA GIS Day: John Crow, USDA, announced the upcoming GIS day activity on November 14th at USDA South Building in the cafeteria area from 10:00am - 2:00pm. Other tie-in activities such as a pre-breakfast gathering suggested. Leslie Wollack is exploring options for a congressional breakfast for GIS Day

October 3 Steering Committee Meeting: Debriefing and Actions - Leslie Armstrong, FGDC

FGDC Steering Committee Meeting: Draft Action Items (Word)

Summary of discussion and actions covered at today's Coordination Group Meeting.

  • Steering Committee and Coordination Group Charter Comment and Vote
    Draft Steering Committee Charter, Draft Coordination Group Charter (Word)

    Team Charters for Steering Committee (SC) and Coordination Group (CG) are in final review period.

    - SC Action: Final comment period ends October 31, 2005. SC and vote by November 15, 2005.

    CG indicated a need to clarify voting and non-voting members, and voting procedure. Organizational chart suggested to clarify relationships of member agency and their own sub-bureaus, especially DoD and DOI.

    FCC is looking at statutory requirements on their data.

    It was emphasized that the FGDC needs to move ahead with endorsing charters without delay and that future versions could incorporate improvements or new governance models.

    CG Action: Please review charters and send any additional comments to John Mahoney ( and Leslie Armstrong ( by October 31, 2005.

  • Submission of remaining FGDC Subcommittee and Working Group Charters and Workplans
    Status draft (Word)

    - Steering Committee Action: Those subcommittee and working group leads
    that have not submitted updated charters and 06 workplans must do so by October 31, 2005.

    CG Action: Please send modifications to charter and workplan status table and updated charters and 06 workplans to David Painter ( by November 15, 2005.

  • Poll of FGDC Data Access Guideline implementation Guideline

    Guidelines were approved by vote August, 2005. OMB questioned how these guidelines were being implemented.
    Steering Committee Action: To poll agencies on implementation of guidelines by….

    It was pointed out that DoD was very restrictive and that guidelines would need to be applied on a "feature by feature" basis.

    OMB expectation of follow-on of FGDC Federal Grants Workshop - reported here:

    Topic discussion brought up that there needs to be close FGDC coordination with OMB in order to clear up ambiguities and disconnects in responding to OMB.

    Suggest sending out formal request polling security guideline implementation.

    CG Action: FGDC to meet with OMB and define issues on grants, data access guidelines, etc, to clear up ambiguities and confusion in responding to OMB.

  • NSDI Governance: moving to next level of activities

    Steering Committee Decision was to accept "Key Characteristics of NSDI Governance," presented by Dennis Goreham.
    Steering Committee Action: Ivan DeLoatch to establish and charter an executive group to move this initiative forward.

    CG recommended that FGDC invite the involvement of Steering Committee members who should contact Leslie Armstrong and John Mahoney.

  • Imagery for the Nation: review proposal and develop business case

    Steering Committee Action: FGDC to task NDOP and NSGIC to establish working group and prepare a budget and plan at the January Steering Committee meeting.

    Anne O'Connor (Census) Chair of NDOP noted that the committee has not taken up the proposal for a vote, but will review proposal next week. It was noted that NDOP had requested participation from NGA and EPA unsuccessfully.
    Michael Sherman (NCPC) will forward participant names to NDOP.
    Leslie Armstrong invited NDOP chair to return questions to CG on this proposal.

    It was noted that states want imagery faster and that the CG find the mechanism to bring states in better in current process.

Open Geospatial Consortium Activities Status - Doug Nebert, FGDC
Presentation (Powerpoint)
Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions (Word)

Doug the FGDC representative to OGC, presented the status of OGC activities. OGC meets every 3 months. Dougs' discussion included Geospatial Digital Rights Management (GeoDRM), OGC Web Services Phase 3, OGC responses to GEO, and OGC concept development to GEOSS activities.

Announcement of October 20-21 OGC demonstration at SAIC. Contact Doug for more information (

Doug will present periodic updates on OGC activities at CWG meetings.

Relevant to this discussion are the draft policy "Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions" prepared by Elliot Christian (FGDC). Guidelines are for the policy on acquisition and implementation of open standards and interoperable services with the goal
of clearly stating how federal agencies can request vendors to provide those deliverables.

Action: Please review "Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions" and provide comment to Elliot Christian by November 15, 2005.

FY05 Annual Report/Performance Measures - Mario Lopez Gomez, FGDC/DOJ
Presentation (Powerpoint), Report (Word)

Mario presented a summary on the draft FGDC Annual Report activities. Annual report is structured based on the new FGDC website format. Data will be extracted from the GOS Portal database which will reduce the amount of information requested from subcommittees, working groups as well as the A-16 lead agencies. The report will provide performance measurement, and maps and charts summarizing activity. FGDC Secretariat staff will be assigned responsibility for report sections.

It was noted that this is a good opportunity to educate OMB about what FGDC does.

Wendy Blake-Coleman (EPA) suggested that if an agency has a metadata policy then they be exempt from filling-out the metadata section of the annual report. Sharon Shin (FGDC) recommended that agencies include a web address to direct readers to their policy.

Draft report will be discussed at the November 1st CG meeting. The final report will be presented to OMB and at the Steering Committee Meeting in late January 2006.

It was recommended that the Federal Enterprise Architecture Profile be discussed, and reviewed in November for the CIO council before review in January.

Action: Please review and comment on draft Annual Report to Mario Lopez-Gomez ( or by October 19, 2005.

Future Directions Update - Milo Robinson, FGDC
Status Report (Word)
FGDC Agency Metadata Profiles Draft Report (Word)

Team status:
- Implementing action plans and transitioning to operational: These are Tribal, Training and Education, Metadata Publishing, Framework Standards and New Standards. The FGDC Metadata Agency Profile Draft Report is available for review. Framework standards will be submitted to INCITS L1 shortly.
- Team plans completed: Communications and Non-geospatial organizations. An Outreach and Communication working group is being considered.
- 50 States Initiative and Governance teams received guidance from the October Steering Committee to move forward. An outgrowth of the Governance team is for the FGDC establishment of an executive team to move effort to next level.
- Still in progress are the Urban Areas, Business Case, and Implementing Standards and Web Protocols teams. The Steering Committee balloting for the external standards due November 15th is an outcome later team.

Action: Please review and comment on FGDC Agency Metadata Profiles by October 26, 2005. Submit comments to Lynda Wayne ( Final draft will be presented to November Coordination Group Meeting for approval.

Action: Agencies are encouraged to contact Leslie Wollack ( and John Clark ( to explore establishing new "outreach and communication" working group.

DoD Spatial Data Infrastructure FY06 Strategy - Col. Brian Cullis, DoD
Due to lack of time presentation and discussion were deferred to future coordination meeting.

Meeting Adjourned

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2006 12:31 PM
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