FOIA Electronic Reading Room - Category Three

A collection of documents and links to manuals and instructions to Department of Transportation (DOT) staff that affect the public.

FOIA Electronic Reading Room - Category Two

This section of the OST Electronic Reading Room includes links to policy decisions ansd interpretations.

FOIA Log Policy (2008)

The purpose of this memorandum is to resolve a discrepancy that exists between a DOT decision on the Michael Ravnitzky FOIA appeal (FOIA File Nos. FY2002-230 and 2006-244) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) guidelines, affecting the processing of FOIA requests that seek copies of FOIA case logs. Such requests are received on a recurring basis, and FOIA Officers and FOIA Attorneys within the Department have questioned whether they should adhere to the reasoning reflected in the Ravnitzky decision, or follow DOJ guidelines, when processing the requests.
We have therefore further reviewed the issue and resolved it in favor of the DOJ position.

Tips for Finding Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Decisions

Tips and terms for finding Administrative Law Judge cases on

FOIA Electronic Reading Room - Category One

Final Opinions/Orders in Adjudicated Cases

Aviation, Hazardous Materials, and Motor Carrier-Related Decisions


Decisions by ALJs and/or the Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs [1996-present]

OST Electronic Reading Room

In accordance with 5 USC 552(a)(2), the following four categories of records (“Reading Room” records) are available without the need for a FOIA request. Only Reading Room records created on or after November 1, 1996 must be made available electronically, and we make them available here.


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