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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations

In the 2011 National Healthcare Disparities Report

Fact Sheet

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals (LGBT) experience differences in receipt of health care services and are sometimes denied services. This fact sheet summarizes key findings from the National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR) related to health care for the LGBT population.

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  • AHRQ is charged with tracking health care disparities related to "racial factors and socioeconomic factors in priority populations."
  • The 2011 NHDR begins tracking of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations as one of these priority populations.
  • Due to lack of data availability in Federal surveys, the 2011 NHDR includes an excerpt from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey Report, which is available at
  • More information can be found in the full report by the National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. The report is available at Exit Disclaimer (Plugin Software Help).

Key Findings

Cover of the 2011 National Healthcare Disparities Report.
  • Transgender people are more likely to be uninsured and less likely to have employer-based health insurance than the general population.
  • Half of transgender people postponed care when sick or injured and postponed preventive health care due to cost. Among uninsured transgender people, 88% postponed care due to cost.
  • About 30% of transgender people postponed care when sick or injured and postponed preventive health care due to discrimination and disrespect by providers. Female-to-male transgender people were most likely to postpone care due to discrimination.
  • One in five transgender people has been denied services by a doctor or other provider due to their gender. Racial and ethnic minority transgender people are more likely to be denied services.

Ordering Information

To download a copy of the 2011 National Healthcare Disparities Report, visit

To order a copy, call 1-800-358-9295 and ask for AHRQ Publication Number 12-0006.

AHRQ Publication No. 12-M030
Current as of April 2012

Internet Citation:

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations in the 2011 National Healthcare Disparities Report. Fact Sheet. AHRQ Publication No. 12-M030, April 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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