Current Population Survey (CPS)

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CPS Table Creator
Tool Help
Table Criteria:

Data Options

  • The year represents the year in which the CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement was conducted. For example, data for 2005 was collected in the 2005 CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement.
  • Many questions in CPS are asked about the status at the time of interview. Examples include age, marital status, labor force status. Responses to other questions are based on the previous (or reference) year. Examples of these include income, poverty status, health insurance coverage. In the tables generated by the CPS Table Creator, the reference year will be identified in the variable label when it is not the same as the year in which the CPS Annual Social and Economic Supplement was conducted. Thus, age and marital status will not include the year in their labels, but income and poverty status will.
  • Latest Year / Number of Years example: to produce data for 2004 and 2005, select Year = 2005 and Number of Years = 2.
  • Tables for more than one year of data will take longer to create.
  • For the Average or Separate item,
    • If the number of years you select is "one", the value in this field is ignored.
    • If you select multiple years, "Average" will provide data averaged across the selected years. See exception below.
    • If you select multiple years, "Separate" will provide a separate table for each of the selected years.
    • There is one exception to the "Average" selection: if you select the CPS Reference Year as a variable for any row/column/page, the data will NOT be averaged across each year. This is how you would display data for multiple years in ONE table.
    • At present, there are NO COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS made to ANY fields. Thus, two- and three-year averages for income variables may not yield the results you desire.

One Table Showing Multi-Year Averages
Separate Table For Each Year

Define Your Table

  • Multiple row or column variables can be nested (the default) or concatenated.
  • When a page variable is requested, a separate table is created for each value of the page variable.
  • When a page variable is requested, there MUST be at least one row variable, column variable, or both.
  • If a page variable is requested but no row variable, the pagevariable will be displayed as a row variable, not a page variable.
  • If a page variable is requested but no column variable, the page variable WILL be treated as a page variable.
  • When there are no observations for a particular value for all rows (or columns), then the column (or row) will not appear in the table. It will NOT appear with all zeros.

    For example, if you want a sex by age table for Iowa and the "NHOPI alone" (Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander) race subset, you select age ranges of 10-11, 12-13, 14-14, and 15-65, and there are no 14-year-olds of either sex (for this subset) on the CPS data file, you will NOT get a column for 14-year-olds with zero values, the column for 14-year-olds will simply not appear in the table.

Click Help for list of variable descriptions.

Row Variables        nested    separate


Column Variables      nested    separate


Page Variable       


  • The available statistics are cell sums, percentages for a variable in the table, unweighted record counts, and, for one addional numeric variable, one or more of the statistics from the list of mean (average), minimum value, maximum value, and sum.
  • You must include at least one statistic, but within this constraint, you can include any combination of the available statistics.
Row or Column Display of Statistics
  • You can control whether you want the statistics displayed as rows or as columns. Columns are generally easier to read, but, for many variables, may make a table very wide, forcing the table to be parsed into sections.
  • The system defaults to column display of statistics.
  • If the table structure has rows, but no columns, the statistics will be displayed in columns no matter what you select for this field. All other combinations should display as you request.
  • If the ONLY statistic requested is SUMs, column display produces a more attractive table than row display.
  • The sum is a weighted count of the persons, families, or households in the cell.

Display statistics in:

Display the default sums:

Help Percentages
  • If you include a percentage variable, the variable MUST have been selected for a row or a column variable (not a page variable).
  • The percentage variable can be any nested row or column variable or the concatenated variable when only one concatenated variable (for a row or column) has been selected.
  • If the table has multiple concatenated row (or column) variables, none of those variables may be used as a percentage variable since the table cells for the other concatenated variables will have no relationship to the percent variable.
  • The percentages can be displayed as columns (the default) or as rows in the table. However, if your table has column variables only, you may not display percentages in rows.
  • You may display percentages with zero (the default), one, or two decimal places.
  • The percentage variable is displayed in the table's title.

Percentages by:

Help Unweighted Record Counts
  • The unweighted record count provides the number of records on the Current Population Survey input files contributing to these data.
Additional Numeric Variable Statistics
  • The statistics currently available are mean (or average), median, minimum, maximum, and sum.
  • No more than one additional variable can be included in a table.
  • You may select one or more statistics for the selected variable. For multiple selections, the usual rules for window applications apply. Hold down the shift key and use the up- and down-arrows to select consective choices. Or hold down the control key and use the mouse to select any combination of choices. The statistics in the table will be listed in the order they appear in the selection lists, not the order in which you select them.
  • The number of decimals you choose to display will apply to ALL additional statistics you select.

Display Unweighted Record Counts:

Additional numeric variable statistics:

Customized Formatting

  • Note that age is top-coded to 80. That is, anyone whose actual age is 80 or higher has a value of 80.
  • A default pre-defined set of age ranges has been provided. You may select an alternative pre-defined set of age ranges or you may customize your own age ranges by selecting "Customize..." from the selection list and entering the age ranges (up to nine ranges) you desire.
  • If you select both a pre-defined set of ranges and enter your own customized ranges, the pre-defined set will be used. Your customized ranges will be ignored unless you've selected "Customize...".
  • For customized age ranges, be sure that the maximum for each range is at least as large as the minimum.
  • Ranges must be sequential from lowest to highest with NO AGE GAPS.
  • Numbers below 10 can be entered with or without leading zeros.
  • If the set of age ranges does not include all ages, it will act as subset for the table (whether or not age is a row/column/page variable).
Missing Values
  • When there are no records for a particular cell, the software will place a one-character symbol in the cell. Available characters are:
      .    (period, the default)
      0   (the number zero)
      -   (dash)
  • Note that if a valid column (or row) has no records for all rows (or columns), the column (or row) will NOT appear in the table at all. It will NOT be listed with the missing values symbol for all rows (or columns). For example, if sex is a column variable for a table that includes data subsetted to include only females, there will be no male column.
Age Ranges:

Age Range - Minimum - Maximum

Race: Select a set of pre-defined combinations.

Income-to-Poverty Ratio Percent Cutoffs: Select (up to nine) cutoffs (if none are selected, will default to 100%):

50% 75% 100%
125% 150% 175%
200% 250% 300%
350% 400% 450%

Income Ranges: Select a set of pre-defined income ranges.

Display sums in:
Display cells with missing values as:

Poverty Thresholds


Poverty status is determined by dividing family income by a poverty threshold. If a family's income is less than 100% of the family's poverty threshold, it is in poverty. The Poverty Status - Alternative gives you the ability to define family income (see Income Definition), select from a variety of poverty thresholds, and determine what income-to-poverty percent to use to divide families into groups below this percent and those at or above this percent.

Click Help for more information.

Poverty Threshold Options

Price Adjustment Options

Geographic Price Difference Adjustment

Income Base for Relative Poverty Thresholds
Income-to-Poverty Ratio Percent Cutoff or Relative Poverty Thresholds Income Percent Cutoff

Income Definition

  • Poverty Status - Alternative and Household Income - Alternative are currently available for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. Note that 2009 data show poverty status and income based on the 2008 reference period; 2007 data show poverty status and income based on the 2007 reference period.
  • For Poverty Status - Alternative, the income definition is applied to the family income.
  • For Household Income - Alternative, the income definition is applied to the household income.
  • The income format for Household Income - Alternative is the format selected in section 6, Customized Formatting.
  • You may select the official income (Money Income), any of five alternatives, or you may customize your own definition from the 42 possible components of income.

Click Help for more information.

Select a pre-defined income definition or "Customize" your own by checking the income components you desire. Income format for Household Income - Alternative will be the one selected in section 6, Customized Formatting.


Selected Cash Market Income Sources

1. Earnings (wages, salaries, and self-employment income)
2. Interest income
3. Dividend income
4. Rents, royalties, estate, and trust income
5. Non-government retirement pensions and annuities
6. Non-government survivor pensions and annuities
7. Non-government disability pensions and annuities
8. Realized capital gains (losses)

Government Nonmeans-tested Cash Income Sources

9. Social Security
10. Unemployment compensation
11. Workers' compensation
12. Veterans' payments other than pensions
13. Government retirement pensions and annuities
14. Government survivor pensions and annuities
15. Government disability pensions and annuities
41. Economic Stimulus Payments (2009 ASEC only)
42. Economic Recovery Payments (2010 ASEC only)

Government Means-tested Cash Income Sources

16. Public assistance (includes TANF and other cash welfare
17. Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
18. Veterans' pensions
19. Federal earned income credit

Taxes Deducted from Income

20. Federal income taxes after refundable credits except EIC
21. State income taxes after all refundable credits
22. Payroll taxes (FICA and other mandatory deductions)
23. Property taxes on owner-occupied housing

Educational Benefits

24. Government educational assistance
25. Non-government educational assistance

Government Means-tested Noncash Benefits

26. SNAP - formerly Food Stamps
27. Free and reduced-price school lunches
28. Low-income energy assistance
29a. Public housing and rent subsidies AHS-based Estimates
29b. Public housing and rent subsidies FMR-based Estimates
30. Fungible value of Medicaid

Contributions from Outside the Household and Other

31. Child Support
32. Alimony
33. Regular contributions from persons not living in the household
34. Money income not elsewhere classified

Other Noncash Income

35. Imputed return to home equity on owner-occupied housing
36. Regular-price school lunches
37. Employer contribution to health care plans
38. Fungible value of Medicare

Expenditures Deducted from Income

39. Medical expenses out-of-pocket
40a. Work-related expenses excluding child care
40b. Work-related expenses including child care
Note: You may not select Work-related expenses excluding child care and Work-related expenses including child care at the same time.
Filters/Subsets: Help
  • You may select up to FIVE subsetting conditions.
  • To select an age subset, complete the section for the "Age Ranges" in the "Customized Formatting" section. You may select an age subset whether or not you include age in any row/column/page variable. The age subset will consist of all ages within the minimum age and the maximum age provided (no age gaps allowed).

The CPS Table Creator gives you the ability to create customized tables from the Current Population Survey's Annual Social and Economic Supplement.

  • Complete the form to the left and press the "Get Table" button at the top or bottom of the form to create your table.
  • To create a table, you must make one or more selections in the Define Your Table section. For all other sections, you may use the default selections or enter alternate selections to customize the table to meet your needs.
  • For help in getting started, see the detailed examples of completing the form to create a table.

While tabulations may be conceptually the same as published estimates, in many cases they will not exactly match published estimates because the Table Creator uses the CPS public use file. The CPS public use file lacks some of the detailed income information, topcodes several categories of income, and supresses some geographic identifiers in order to protect survey confidentiality.

* This tool is best viewed with normal font settings and in the Firefox web browser.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Current Population Survey (CPS) |  Last Revised: