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Translation: “Inexplicably Made Happy”

November 30, 2012

Here are the results of a recent survey that has been passed around in China; “The Happiest Professions in the Eyes of the People.” (It’s not clear how many people participated.) Public servants Government officials Teachers Artists Executives Self-employed Bankers Actors Pilots Entrepreneurs (The list goes on from there, but the first couple are...

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Red Dawn Really Brings Out the Idiots

November 28, 2012

Well, the Red Dawn remake has finally been released1, and it’s fucking terrible. Seriously, at just 11% on Rotten Tomatos, it apparently ranks among the worst films in recent memory. I say “apparently” because I haven’t actually seen it; don’t worry though, I’m still...

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In Brief: Who’s Really Disappearing Reporters

November 24, 2012

At this point probably everyone is familiar with the “Bijie Boys” and most of you are probably also aware of how that turned out for the reporter who broke the story. The fact that a reporter would be held for reporting a story no...

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Foreign Reporters With Chinese Characteristics

November 15, 2012

By now, you’re probably aware of the kerfuffle over “foreign reporter” Andrea Yu, who lobbed a few government-friendly softballs at Chinese officials during official 18th Party Congress press events. She was later featured in a CCTV segment on how “foreign reporters” are covering the...

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On Martin Jacques’s Latest Op-Ed and the Superiority of the Chinese State

November 5, 2012

I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised when I came across this piece by Martin Jacques on the BBC’s website. He is, of course, the man behind the sickeningly sycophantic When China Rules the World. But even knowing that, there are some shockingly insane...

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PSA: Beware the Impostor

October 29, 2012

Just a very quick thing: it has come to my attention that someone is using my name (Charles Custer) to comment on China articles at various news sites (see this and this for examples). This person is not me. For the record, any comment...

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(Finally) Announcing My New Project:

October 23, 2012

Longtime readers will know that I have been alluding to a “big project” on this site for quite some time. In fact, it has taken long enough to get here that you would be forgiven for thinking this “big project” was actually just an...

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Translation: “Looking Forward to When Anti-Corruption Has Some Culture”

October 1, 2012

I came across this short piece by Wang Gengxing in Southern Weekend today; I think it’s quite worthy of discussion. (All the links were added by me for the purposes of providing extra context; none of them are in the original piece). Recently officials...

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A Brave New World (of Commenting)

September 22, 2012

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The Recklessness of Nationalist Brinksmanship

September 22, 2012

So after a wave of rather violent anti-Japan protests I argued were state-supported, the madness has wound down — or rather, been wound down — by the same folks who drummed it up: the government. This is not an uncommon tactic at all, but...

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China’s Anti-Japan Riots Are State-Sponsored. Period.

September 17, 2012

Like many people around the world, I’ve spent some of the past few days looking at photos and reports about the escalating anti-Japan protests in China. There is an excellent collection of them here for those that are interested. Browsing it, your first inclination...

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Hey, Speaking of Soft Power Fails…

September 15, 2012

A couple days ago we looked at one way to fail at soft power, but while we were doing that, China’s highest levels of leadership were working on a way to fail way, way harder. In case any of you have been living under...

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