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USCIS Modifies Application for Temporary Protected Status
Previous Versions of Form I-821 Will Be Accepted Until June 26, 2008

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today that it has revised the Application for Temporary Protected Status (Form I-821). The agency is publishing a notice in today’s Federal Register  to inform the public that the new form becomes effective on June 27, 2008.

Form I-821 is an application used by nationals of a country currently designated for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The form is used by individuals to apply for TPS for the first time, as well as by aliens applying to re-register for TPS. The new form (with an Oct. 17, 2007 revision date) includes additional questions that will enhance USCIS’ ability to determine an applicant’s eligibility for TPS that were not contained on earlier versions of the form. During the development of the revised form in 2007, the public was notified and given an opportunity to comment on the proposed changes.

USCIS will accept previous editions of the form through June 26, 2008. Beginning on June 27, the agency will only accept the revised form (with the Oct. 17, 2007 revision date), and will reject all requests using previous editions of the form.

Authority to designate a country for TPS lies with the Secretary of Homeland Security. TPS is a temporary immigration status granted to eligible nationals of designated countries who are temporarily unable to safely return to their home country because of ongoing armed conflict, an environmental disaster, or other extraordinary and temporary conditions. During the period for which a country has been designated for TPS, TPS beneficiaries may remain in the United States and may obtain work authorization.


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Last updated:05/28/2008