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Articles with keyword "Soviet Union"

Georges Collinet broadcasting "Bonjour L'Afrique from Washington, D.C.


From Maxi Voom Voom to Afropop

By Dan Scheuerman

Georges Collinet was a rock ’n’ roll-playing, Cold War DJ; now he's an elder stateman of world music.

Plaque with face of Stefan Zeromski


Żeromski the Magnificent!

By Steve Moyer

The novelist who captured Polish life even as it was changing

Philip Mosely with Fred Stolling


The Cold War’s Organization Man

By David C. Engerman

How Philip Mosely helped Soviet Studies moderate U.S. foreign policy.

Image of Herbert Hoover


The Politics of Food

By Ronald Radosh

How America kept Russia from starving.


Akhmatova's Boswell

By Steve Moyer

From the early 1980s until around 2000, there was a publishing explosion of Russian diaries and memoirs recalling Stalin’s Terror and World War II.

Image of bench/ step-stool from former East Germany


California's Cold War Museum

By David C. Engerman

All things communist -- from the Berlin Wall to Soviet tchotchkes -- find a home at the Wende.