Self-improvement and career growth go hand in hand Personal Development

Ask anyone in the Navy about their personal development, and you’ll hear that he or she has changed since joining. Changed for the better. That’s because the Navy doesn’t just expand and accelerate your career. It also pushes you personally. Encourages you to plan and achieve significant goals. Helps you reach deep down and refine your best characteristics.

It’s the spirit of self-improvement – an individual growth that’s molded by the Navy core values: Honor, Courage and Commitment.

Honor – “Bear true faith and allegiance.”

Be true. To yourself, to your fellow servicemembers, and to your country. That means acting ethically and honestly with others – even when that’s the unpopular choice. It also means taking responsibility for your actions and keeping your word. And never forgetting the honor and privilege it is to serve your fellow Americans by being a part of A Global Force For Good.

Courage – “Support and defend.”

Doing the right thing isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s often the greater challenge. Being a part of America’s Navy is all about meeting that challenge head-on. Putting your world-class training to the test, even when the mission is hazardous or difficult. And having the moral and mental convictions to do what is right, even in the face of adversity.

Commitment – “Obey the orders.”

The Navy commitment goes way beyond respecting the chain of command. It’s a pledge to look out for those entrusted to your care. To treat each individual with dignity regardless of race, religion or background. To devote yourself to constantly improving yourself personally and professionally. In short, to exhibit the highest degree of moral character and technical excellence in everything you have been trained to do.

In Their Own Words

“The Navy didn’t get me to where I am today. I did that. What the Navy did was give me the opportunity to succeed.”

Jeffrey Campbell
Petty Officer First Class, Aviation Ordnanceman

“There’s a strong sense of camaraderie in the Navy. It’s a family. I know where I stand here. The Navy has allowed me to travel the Pacific and Far East. I’ve seen things that made me realize and appreciate how fortunate I really am. To be honest, after 25 years of service, I’m still not looking forward to my retirement.”

Enrique Cruz
Command Master Chief, Dental Technician

“Since I’ve been in the Navy, I have earned a bachelor of science degree in nuclear engineering and a master’s degree in management, with the Navy picking up a good portion of my tuition. I have traveled to more than 35 countries in Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East and all but six of the 50 states. Where else but in the Navy?”

Travis Goodwin
Supply Corps Officer, Lieutenant Commander (Select)

“When the economy goes bad, if you’re in the civilian sector, you’re going to get laid off. That won’t happen to me in the Navy.

The Navy has paid 100% of my college tuition. My health care is covered. I receive food and housing allowances. My pay raise last year was certainly better than what I received when I was a civilian. Of course, when you get promoted you also get a boost in salary. With benefits and security better than what I received as a civilian. I sleep very well at night.”

Walter Lee
Petty Officer Third Class, Yeoman