What's happening at Hartford Seminary?

Upcoming admissions information sessions in March and April: Study at Hartford Seminary

Join us for one of five online and on-campus information sessions about our graduate programs in March and April. Whether you are starting on an academic path toward a Ph.D., studying for a particular career, seeking personal intellectual enrichment or interested in enhancing your religious commitment or your spirituality, we have the program for you.

President Heidi Hadsell Speaks on Christian Ethics at Conference in Iran

President Heidi Hadsell delivered a lecture on Protestant ethics and met with students at a research institute during a recent visit to Iran. She participated in the Esra International Foundation for Revealed Science’s International Conference on Ethics and Religions in Qom, Iran.

Rich Answers

President Heidi Hadsell Discusses Hartford Seminary on Radio Program

President Heidi Hadsell appeared on the radio program “Rich Answers,” sponsored by the Conference of Churches (Hartford, CT) and Lite 100.5 WRCH, on Sunday, March 3. Hadsell discussed Hartford Seminary – its history, its programs, its multifaith community and its commitment to interfaith dialogue and understanding and to peace building.

Disaster Chaplain Training

Hartford Seminary to Host Disaster Chaplain Training Course

Hartford Seminary will host Disaster Spiritual Care training on June 4 & 5.  This two-day training, conducted by National Disaster Interfaiths Network (NDIN) will take place on the Hartford Seminary campus on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4 & 5, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Former President Barbara Brown Zikmund Donates Framed Qur'an Manuscripts

Former Hartford Seminary President Barbara Brown Zikmund visited the Seminary on Monday, February 25 to donate a framed set of photographs of the Qur'an.

In New York City

Intersections International hosts International Peacemakers from Hartford Seminary

On Monday, February 11 and Tuesday, February 12, Intersections International hosted two students from Hartford Seminary’s International Peacemakers Program for training and a series of presentations. The current year’s IPP students are Zulu Lemtur from India and Morteza Rezazadeh from Iran.

Ph.D. Graduate Appointed to Teach Christian Ethics and Comparative Religion

The Rev. Dr. Francis Acquah, a 2012 graduate of the International Ph.D. program at Hartford Seminary, has been appointed a full-time lecturer in Christian Ethics and Comparative Religion at the Methodist University College in Accra, Ghana. Dr. Acquah, a Methodist minister, came to Hartford Seminary from Ghana originally to study Christian-Muslim Relations in the International Peacemaking Program.

National Public Radio

Hartford Seminary Cited in National Report on Shortage of Imams

National Public Radio's All Things Considered program recently reported that as Islam grows in the United States, imams are in short supply. Hartford Seminary is cited as one the very few schools to train imams in America.


2011-2012 Academic Year

Campus Safety and Security Report


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