The Student Career Experience Program (SCEP), traditionally known as "Co-Op," allows you to participate in initiatives directly related to your academic program and career goals. Many NAVAIR SCEP participants focus on engineering, technology and science. SCEP provides valuable, paid work experience while you’re still in school. There are formal periods of work and study while you are in the program. SCEP is a shared commitment that requires a signed agreement between you, your school and NAVAIR.

SCEP is a great resource for agencies, because it gives us access to a highly qualified pool of young professionals who can aid in our mission. Your skills and talents will contribute directly to NAVAIR’s goals and what we’re capable of accomplishing in the future. Tuition assistance may be available. You’ll even be eligible for permanent employment status after completing your academic requirements.

If you’re interested in SCEP, submit your resume to our database under the Students section.

Submit Your Resume