Terrorism and Homeland Security

RAND is a world leader in research on terrorism, counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, and homeland security—topics that affect a wide variety of policy areas and challenge individuals and nations worldwide. As a public service, RAND disseminates all its unclassified research online or in printed documents.

Research conducted by: Homeland Security and Defense Center; RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment; RAND National Security Research Division; RAND Project AIR FORCE; RAND Europe; RAND Arroyo Center; Center for Terrorism Risk Management Policy

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Research Center Focuses on Homeland Security and Defense

The Homeland Security and Defense Center conducts analysis to prepare and protect communities and critical infrastructure from natural disasters and terrorism and is a joint effort of the RAND National Security Research Division and RAND Infrastructure, Safety and Environment.

All Items (1258)


Managing the Unexpected — Apr 19, 2011

On April 19, 2011, the RAND Corporation presented “Managing the Unexpected” as part of its Issues in Focus public outreach series in Santa Monica, California. The program featured Admiral Thad Allen, now a senior fellow at RAND.


Complex trauma research in the UK: A rapid review of the funding landscape — Apr 18, 2011

This documented briefing presents the results of a rapid review of the funding landscape for complex trauma research in the UK. Recommendations are made about how to strengthen this niche and orphan area of research.


Influences on the Adoption of Multifactor Authentication — Apr 15, 2011

Passwords are proving less and less capable of protecting computer systems from abuse. Multifactor authentication (MFA) — which combines something you know (e.g., a PIN), something you have (e.g., a token), and/or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint) — is increasingly being required. This report investigates why organizations choose to adopt or not adopt MFA — and where they choose to use it.


Air Travel Security Since 9/11 — Apr 12, 2011

There are no plans to discontinue the use of whole-body image scanning machines and pat downs in airports around the country. In light of concerns about the cost, safety, effectiveness, and privacy of these procedures, the author explores air travel security performance since 9/11, identifies missed opportunities and innovations, and considers potential next steps.


Advancing the State of the Art in Monitoring and Evaluation of Stabilization Interventions — Apr 6, 2011

Unstable and violent political environments often give rise to a range of complex problems for peaceful development. RAND Europe reviewed the state of the art in monitoring and evaluation in stabilization environments and found ways to improve practice.


Monitoring and Evaluation in Stabilisation Interventions: Rationale, challenges and principles of effective monitoring and evaluation — Apr 6, 2011

Reviews the state of the art in monitoring and evaluation of stabilisation operations and suggests ways forward.


Understanding the Security, Privacy, and Trust Aspects of Cloud Computing — Apr 6, 2011

Cloud computing is a model for enabling on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources—such as storage and applications—that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. RAND Europe explored the security, privacy, and trust challenges that cloud computing poses.


Community Resilience and Long-Term Recovery — Mar 21, 2011

The sustained ability of a community to withstand and recover from adversity, at both the infrastructure and human levels, is a key policy issue. This project asks, what are the key levers for building and strengthening community resilience and what specific activities can communities undertake?


Four Approaches to Estimating the Total Flow of Illegal Border Crossings Between Ports of Entry — Mar 11, 2011

Fundamental to the question of border control effectiveness is the proportion of illegal crossings that are prevented through deterrence or apprehension, but estimating these proportions requires knowing the total flow. Four new approaches warrant further attention for purposes of supporting reliable, valid, and timely measures of illicit cross-border flow.


Engaging Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Response and Recovery — Mar 14, 2011

NGOs are instrumental in communities' resilience to natural and man-made disasters, but the plans and processes for their involvement are not well-defined. RAND-convened sessions at the 2010 LANO conference identified challenges to engaging NGOs and recommendations for addressing these challenges.


What Is the Terrorism Threat Now? The Local Level — Mar 10, 2011

How should police and intelligence agencies deal with the specter of homegrown terrorism? One of the best tools available is intelligence gleaned from the local community, writes Peter Chalk.


Five Myths about the Muslim Brotherhood — Mar 6, 2011

Much of what we know—or think we know—about the Muslim Brotherhood's ambitions, beliefs and history is clouded by misperceptions, writes Lorenzo Vidino.


Can You Hear Libya Now? — Mar 5, 2011

The U.S. and its allies could help Libyans communicate with the outside world by deploying cellphone base stations on aircraft or tethered balloons, write Dan Gonzales and Sarah Harting.


Libya's Terra Incognita: Who and What Will Follow Qaddafi? — Feb 28, 2011

The new, post-Qaddafi era is likely to be marked by the emergence of long-suppressed domestic groups jostling for supremacy in what is sure to be a chaotic political scene, writes Frederic Wehrey.


Egypt Faces Rough, Unchartered Road — Feb 22, 2011

The most favorable outcome achievable in Egypt might be what we see in Iraq, but without the violence, writes Harold Brown.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters: A Roadmap to Guide Local Planning — Feb 22, 2011

Examines ways in which communities can improve their ability to withstand and recover from adversity.


Ways for Communities to Build Resilience to Aid Disaster Recovery — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


The Tenth Year: A Briefing on Terrorism Issues to New Members of the 112th Congress — Feb 3, 2011

The U.S. effort to defeat and dismantle the global terrorism network while protecting itself against further attacks has become its longest campaign. On January 8, 2011, Brian Michael Jenkins briefed newly elected members of Congress on a spectrum of foreign policy, national security, and domestic issues, with a particular focus on domestic terrorism prevention and transportation security in the post-9/11 era.


Sustaining Key Skills in the UK Military Aircraft Industry — Feb 7, 2011

The UK Ministry of Defence's Fixed Wing Sector Strategy Board commissioned RAND Europe to assist in the development of a strategy and sustainment plan for the military fixed wing sector.


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