Public Safety

RAND work on public safety issues ranges from policing and profiling to prisons, violent crime, and the illegal drug trade, as well as homeland security and emergency preparedness. RAND delivers research that reflects our core values of quality and objectivity and helps inform policy debates that are often riddled with arguments driven not by evidence but by emotion and ideology.

Research conducted by: RAND Infrastructure, Safety, and Environment; RAND Europe; Safety and Justice Program; Center on Quality Policing; Center for Health and Safety in the Workplace; Drug Policy Research Center

Featured at RAND

Legalizing Marijuana in California Would Sharply Lower the Price of the Drug

Legalizing the production and distribution of marijuana in California could cut the price of the drug by as much as 80 percent and increase consumption. While the state has estimated taxing legal marijuana could raise more than $1 billion in revenue, this could be dramatically higher or lower based on a number of factors.

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Influences on the Adoption of Multifactor Authentication — Apr 15, 2011

Passwords are proving less and less capable of protecting computer systems from abuse. Multifactor authentication (MFA) — which combines something you know (e.g., a PIN), something you have (e.g., a token), and/or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint) — is increasingly being required. This report investigates why organizations choose to adopt or not adopt MFA — and where they choose to use it.


Understanding the Security, Privacy, and Trust Aspects of Cloud Computing — Apr 6, 2011

Cloud computing is a model for enabling on-demand network access to a shared pool of computing resources—such as storage and applications—that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. RAND Europe explored the security, privacy, and trust challenges that cloud computing poses.


Assessing Policies to Curtail the Illegal Trade in Cultural Property — Mar 29, 2011

Despite a range of legislative and policy interventions, the trade in illicit art and antiquities continues to flourish, resulting in damage to the arts, scholarship, and heritage. RAND Europe explored new ways of curtailing the illegal trade in cultural property.


Community Resilience and Long-Term Recovery — Mar 21, 2011

The sustained ability of a community to withstand and recover from adversity, at both the infrastructure and human levels, is a key policy issue. This project asks, what are the key levers for building and strengthening community resilience and what specific activities can communities undertake?


Preliminary assessment of economic impacts of alcohol pricing policy options in the UK — Mar 21, 2011

This study provides evidence on potential economic impact of policies designed to increase the price of alcoholic drinks on consumers, producers and retailers in the UK. Policy-makers used recommendations to implement a new pricing policy.


The Impact of Gun-Law Messaging on Gun Purchases — Mar 17, 2011

A public safety message aimed at improving gun law awareness was found to have an effect on new gun buyers' behaviors, particularly in regards to reports of stolen guns, which more than doubled as a result.


Engaging Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Disaster Response and Recovery — Mar 14, 2011

NGOs are instrumental in communities' resilience to natural and man-made disasters, but the plans and processes for their involvement are not well-defined. RAND-convened sessions at the 2010 LANO conference identified challenges to engaging NGOs and recommendations for addressing these challenges.


Assessing the impacts of Revising the Tobacco Products Directive: Study to support a DG SANCO Impact Assessment — Mar 8, 2011

In order to inform the European Commission's formal Impact Assessment for a revision to the Tobacco Products Directive, this study provides an overview of evidence for tobacco product regulation and an analysis of health and economic implications.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


Building Community Resilience to Disasters: A Roadmap to Guide Local Planning — Feb 22, 2011

Examines ways in which communities can improve their ability to withstand and recover from adversity.


Ways for Communities to Build Resilience to Aid Disaster Recovery — Feb 22, 2011

Communities can build resilience to disasters through efforts such as joint planning of government and non-governmental organizations and the development of community networks.


U.S. Military Should Improve Behavioral Health Programs in Response to Rising Number of Suicides — Feb 17, 2011

U.S. military officials should improve efforts to identify those at risk and improve both the quality and access to behavioral health treatment in response to a sharp rise in suicide among members of the nation's armed forces.


The War Within: Suicide Prevention in the U.S. Military — Feb 17, 2011

The increasing number of suicides is causing concern in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Suicide-prevention programs in DoD and across the services have some (but not all) of the characteristics of comprehensive programs.


U.S. Military Should Improve Behavioral Health Programs in Response to Rising Number of Suicides Among Armed Forces — Feb 17, 2011

U.S. military officials should improve efforts to identify those at-risk and improve both the quality and access to behavioral health treatment in response to a sharp rise in suicide among members of nation's armed forces.


Measuring Intellectual Property Crime in the EU — Feb 15, 2011

Violent crimes against individuals make headlines, but other types of criminal activity affect day-to-day life more than people may realize. The violation of intellectual property rights (IPR) is the focus of a RAND Europe study that brings together economists, criminologists, policy analysts and IPR legal experts to explore the level and implications of counterfeiting and piracy in the EU.


Heterogeneity in the Composition of Marijuana Seized in California — Feb 1, 2011

The chemical compounds found in marijuana deserve more attention as efforts to regulate marijuana for medical and recreational use go forward.


A Unified Framework for Smoking Assessment: The PROMIS Smoking Initiative — Jan 17, 2011

The PROMIS Smoking Initiative has the goal of developing, evaluating, and making widely available a set of items for assessing smoking behavior and the biopsychosocial constructs that can be used to predict smoking outcomes.


Vaccine Myths Could Cost Lives: They Don't Give You Autism, and They'll Hardly Ever Make You Sick — Jan 13, 2011

Immunization remains the best and first line of defense against serious infectious illness. This year's seasonal flu shot incorporates vaccine for H1N1. It's safe, and it's vitally important to get it, write Art Kellermann and Katherine Harris.


Within-Day Temporal Patterns of Smoking, Withdrawal Symptoms, and Craving — Jan 2, 2011

Real-time data collected by palm-top computer confirms individual differences in situational smoking associations.


Neighborhood Archetypes for Population Health Research: Is There No Place Like Home? — Jan 1, 2011

Latent class analysis. A new approach to studying the role of place in population health, can be used in both research and practice.


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