Part B: NOT Seasonally Adjusted Exhibit 15. Exports and Imports of Goods By Principal SITC Commodities In millions of dollars. Details may not equal totals due to rounding. This exhibit is not additive. (R) - Revised. (X) - Not applicable. (-) Represents zero or less than one half of measurement shown. 2012 2011 Item (1) July June Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Total Balance of Payment Basis 123,128 193,863(R) 134,302(R) 193,719 905,068 1,338,159 853,507 1,271,344 Net Adjustments 1,452 1,973(R) 1,284(R) 2,015 9,627 14,223 10,609 15,920 Total Census Basis (2) 121,676 191,890(R) 133,018(R) 191,704 895,441 1,323,937 842,898 1,255,425 Manufactured goods (3) 80,936 144,866 89,362 143,842 594,317 979,543 553,927 907,802 Agricultural commodities (3) 10,246 8,590 10,161 8,447 77,487 61,712 80,102 57,798 Mineral fuels (3) 10,887 34,683 11,100 35,910 78,185 257,943 70,320 265,638 Selected commodities (3) ADP equipment and office machines 1,814 9,868 1,999 10,897 12,868 68,953 12,574 65,496 Airplanes, engines, and parts (4) 7,693 2,554 7,696 2,552 52,516 15,851 45,017 13,975 Alcoholic beverages, distilled 114 496 118 517 752 3,497 640 3,311 Aluminum 556 955 560 964 3,910 7,009 3,801 6,884 Animal feeds 809 227 818 206 5,485 1,361 5,554 1,079 Artwork and antiques 190 438 342 422 2,050 4,043 1,765 3,505 Basketware, etc. 770 1,255 803 1,222 5,424 8,624 5,177 8,257 Cereal flour 328 442 313 409 2,138 2,920 1,889 2,727 Chemicals - cosmetics 1,208 1,004 1,211 915 8,184 6,469 7,505 6,040 Chemicals - dyeing 647 353 677 344 4,836 2,281 5,022 2,035 Chemicals - fertilizers 330 556 319 552 2,906 4,911 3,012 5,439 Chemicals - inorganic 1,108 1,278 1,115 1,274 7,299 8,657 7,977 9,201 Chemicals - medicinal 3,736 5,669 4,212 5,643 24,953 39,643 23,000 40,189 Chemicals - n.e.s. 2,294 1,173 2,618 1,274 17,190 8,462 15,973 7,600 Chemicals - organic 3,499 4,618 3,298 4,509 25,149 31,394 24,531 31,765 Chemicals - plastics 3,801 1,910 3,974 1,810 26,853 12,948 27,226 12,141 Cigarettes 32 15 25 17 178 104 223 108 Clothing 281 8,623 285 6,993 1,980 47,750 1,917 47,567 Coal 1,369 113 1,512 100 9,782 975 9,210 1,221 Coffee (-) 499 1 502 5 3,772 3 3,997 Copper 288 746 340 804 2,769 5,214 2,216 6,466 Cork, wood, and lumber 452 504 455 428 3,193 2,881 3,327 2,609 Corn 714 24 837 28 6,642 482 8,296 326 Cotton, raw and linters 352 (-) 457 3 4,651 8 6,789 10 Crude fertilizers and minerals 214 205 241 209 1,518 1,660 1,450 1,579 Crude oil 221 25,991 136 26,685 1,034 193,820 779 193,586 Electrical machinery (4) 6,259 12,171 6,703 12,111 44,839 82,956 44,849 77,633 Fish and preparations 473 1,525 336 1,409 2,665 9,583 2,671 8,941 Footwear 65 2,499 65 2,100 465 13,825 462 13,078 Furniture and bedding (4) 447 3,096 477 3,083 3,249 20,991 2,922 18,771 Gem diamonds 259 1,794 441 1,675 1,785 12,523 1,983 13,729 General industrial machines 5,204 7,067 5,618 7,174 37,587 49,565 34,197 42,995 Glass (4) 295 234 316 237 2,075 1,602 2,092 1,538 Glassware 95 249 88 229 601 1,557 599 1,448 Gold, nonmonetary 2,133 1,376 3,168 1,419 21,560 9,635 17,017 9,193 Hides and skins 192 5 183 5 1,280 32 1,322 35 Iron and steel mill products 1,486 3,199 1,638 3,197 11,355 22,842 10,522 19,438 Jewelry 381 886 565 752 2,976 5,696 2,937 6,074 19 Part B: NOT Seasonally Adjusted Exhibit 15. Exports and Imports of Goods By Principal SITC Commodities--continued 2012 2011 Item (1) July June Year-to-Date Year-to-Date Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Lighting and plumbing 241 839 273 778 1,675 5,044 1,579 4,301 Liquefied propane and butane 250 204 233 135 2,062 1,364 2,174 1,465 Live animals 101 153 80 189 544 1,541 472 1,262 Meat and preparations 1,444 547 1,378 564 10,007 3,830 9,068 3,423 Metal manufactures, n.e.s. 1,819 3,016 1,877 2,976 12,801 19,886 11,522 16,660 Metal ores and scrap 2,339 695 2,396 735 16,517 5,594 18,514 5,421 Metalworking machines 563 897 544 815 3,608 5,938 3,595 4,400 Mineral fuels, other 745 399 702 334 5,284 2,629 5,932 2,710 Natural gas 349 783 346 598 2,607 5,183 4,059 8,543 Nickel 128 258 136 201 973 1,848 859 2,325 Oils and fats of vegetable 219 510 144 431 1,343 3,284 1,611 3,627 Optical goods 304 514 300 525 1,980 3,574 1,862 3,412 Paper and paperboard 1,324 1,353 1,361 1,315 9,362 8,896 9,421 9,070 Petroleum preparations 7,938 7,010 8,157 7,889 57,253 52,946 47,892 56,889 Photographic equipment 259 186 260 180 1,764 1,271 1,954 1,250 Plastic articles, n.e.s. 933 1,685 985 1,659 6,551 11,094 6,042 10,034 Platinum 79 393 80 392 556 2,640 589 3,227 Pottery 9 129 9 112 60 812 54 810 Power generating machines (4) 3,060 4,913 3,370 5,011 22,689 34,314 20,630 29,021 Printed materials 481 410 495 359 3,303 2,553 3,311 2,476 Pulp and waste paper 726 314 730 284 5,261 1,984 5,674 2,401 Records and magnetic media 320 486 355 468 2,392 3,209 2,295 2,992 Rice 144 47 173 50 1,214 364 1,296 353 Rubber articles, n.e.s. 210 345 223 360 1,536 2,454 1,333 2,140 Rubber tires and tubes (4) 451 1,271 463 1,250 3,229 8,750 2,888 7,630 Scientific instruments (4) 4,041 3,942 4,560 3,865 29,093 26,350 27,933 24,563 Ships and boats 170 87 444 115 1,967 811 1,611 745 Silver and bullion 344 508 231 524 1,565 3,987 1,935 5,163 Soybeans 1,165 32 797 35 9,990 208 9,341 148 Spacecraft (4) (-) 33 (-) (-) (-) 33 1 31 Specialized industrial machines 4,434 3,855 5,025 3,835 33,067 26,798 30,107 23,858 Sugar 7 74 3 145 38 842 43 937 TV's, VCR's, etc. (4) 1,830 11,699 2,080 11,456 13,476 76,313 13,250 75,956 Textile yarn, fabric 1,015 2,177 1,099 2,160 7,432 14,497 7,602 13,847 Tobacco, unmanufactured 39 78 50 65 632 523 705 421 Toys, games, and sporting goods 353 2,329 384 1,696 2,436 12,888 2,473 13,224 Travel goods 45 918 42 921 299 5,644 285 5,123 Vegetables and fruits 1,591 1,784 1,637 2,019 10,735 15,181 9,784 14,364 Vehicles 8,332 18,640 10,459 20,089 67,889 133,994 59,876 108,759 Watches, clocks, and parts 33 401 33 399 215 2,679 271 2,533 Wheat 600 32 722 44 4,787 420 7,514 298 Wood manufactures 170 714 182 676 1,235 4,381 1,210 3,911 Re-exports 14,958 (X) 17,594 (X) 112,579 (X) 103,571 (X) Agricultural commodities 309 (X) 306 (X) 2,485 (X) 2,461 (X) Manufactured goods 14,510 (X) 17,121 (X) 108,350 (X) 99,089 (X) Mineral fuels 17 (X) 22 (X) 822 (X) 969 (X) (1) Detailed data are presented on a Census basis. The information needed to convert to a BOP basis is not available. (2) Total exports, including re-exports (exports of foreign merchandise) (3) Domestic exports (4) Due to non-disclosure requirements, certain 10-digit Schedule B commodity classifications are subject to suppression and require a change in aggregation. For additional information see NOTE: For information on data sources, nonsampling errors and definitions, see the information section on page A-1 of this release, or at or SOURCE: Report FT900 (CB-12-169, BEA-12-38), Bureau of the Census, Foreign Trade Division, July 2012. For more information, contact Matthew Przybocki (301-763-3148) or Maria Iseman (301-763-2311), Foreign Trade Division.