U.S. Department of Justice

Managing Prisons Effectively: The Potential of Contingency Management Programs

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Mar. 08, 2012

Library ID

  • 025629

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  • 2011
  • 178 pages

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  • Managing Prisons Effectively: The Potential of Contingency Management Programs

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This study reviewed the literature regarding the effectiveness of contingency management (CM) while also creating a set of factors that are needed for a successful CM program. “First, it was found that CM programs produced large positive gains in the range of 60%-70% which surpassed the effectiveness of other types of interventions. Secondly, the list of principles tabulated for delivering CM program were categorized as to how to implement them and deliver the service (i.e., strategies for what to do, not to do and problematic issues)” (p. 1).

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