U.S. Department of Justice

Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Mar. 08, 2012

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  • Assessing the Impact of InsideOut Dad on Newark Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Center Residents

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: The impact of the InsideOut Dad program on particular outcome measures in three Community Education Centers (CEC) Residential Reentry Centers in New Jersey is examined. Quantitative findings are reported for demographics and background, effect on confidence, effect on parenting knowledge, effect on parenting behavior, effect on parenting attitude, and effect on institutional behavior. These results combined with qualitative results show that InsideOut Dad is an effective program for strengthening the relationships of incarcerated fathers and their children.

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