U.S. Department of Justice

The Effectiveness of Prisoner Reentry Services as Crime Control: The Fortune Society

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Feb. 03, 2009

Library ID

  • 023529

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  • 2008
  • 100 pages.

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  • The Effectiveness of Prisoner Reentry Services as Crime Control: The Fortune Society

ANNOTATION: The impact of the Fortune Society, a private non-profit organization providing services to ex-prisoners in New York City, on recidivism and homelessness is investigated. Sections of this report following an abstract include: executive summary; introduction; building the Fortune Society; who comes to the Fortune Society; the Fortune Society's services; the impact of Fortune's post-release services on community safety and offender recidivism; the effectiveness of Fortune's services in preventing homelessness; and conclusion. While recidivism is not reduced by participating in Fortune programming, the amount of homelessness is decreased.

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