U.S. Department of Justice

Legally Coerced Treatment for Drug Using Offenders: Ethical and Policy Issues

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Nov. 23, 2011

Library ID

  • 025378

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  • 2010
  • 12 pages

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  • Legally Coerced Treatment for Drug Using Offenders: Ethical and Policy Issues

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: “This bulletin discusses the policy and ethical implications raised by legally coercing drug offenders into drug treatment in the community and providing compulsory treatment within the prison system” (p.1) Sections of this bulletin include: the case for legally coerced drug treatment; forms of legally coerced drug treatment; the ethics of coerced drug treatment; community-based drug treatment—what works; the effectiveness of legally coerced drug treatment in the community; drug courts; prison-based drug treatment; drug-free treatment approaches; prison-based methadone programs (PMP); the NSW Compulsory Drug Treatment Correction Centre (CDTCC); operational issues for the CDTCC—type of offender treated, the location of where the prison system treatment is provided, types of treatment, CDTTC evaluation, and whether treatment in the CDTCC needs to be compulsory; and conclusions.

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