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Move Forward With the National Fragile X Foundation

The parents, scientists, clinicians and staff associated with the National Fragile X Foundation have been committed since the organization was formed in 1984 to help families, spread awareness, find improved treatments, and support research leading to an eventual cure for all Fragile X-associated Disorders. Please use this website to learn more about Fragile X, and to consider joining our ongoing efforts on behalf of the Fragile X community.

Fragile X Syndrome

The most common cause of inherited intellectual disability and the most common known genetic cause of autism or autism spectrum disorders. Can cause learning and behavioral challenges ranging from mild to severe.

Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome

An adult-onset condition affecting mostly males that causes tremor and affects balance and memory in some "carriers" of the Fragile X gene. It is often mistaken for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other conditions.

Fragile X-associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

A condition of decreased ovarian function that can lead to reduced fertility or infertility, irregular or absent menstrual periods, and early menopause in some female "carriers" of the Fragile X gene.

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